If you call Mrs. Pohl "Miss", she will call you ___.
*Please use my name and I will use yours.
After you enter the classroom and have a seat, what should you do next?
Get started on your warm-up
Give an example of a FACS related activity you did at home over break.
Relationships (Family, friends)
Healthy Eating
Name the 3 kitchen labs we completed in the Fall?
Rice Krispy Treats, Breakfast Casserole, and Gingerbread Houses
What's the 16th letter of the alphabet?
When are cell phones allowed in class?
Only when Mrs. Pohl approved
("Never" will also be accepted)
If you are missing a warm-up, where can you find the question to make it up?
In the warm-up binder
What 2 types of health were covered in Disney's Inside Out movie?
social and mental/emotional
How many "Shoppers" are in a lab?
How many trips should be made to the Shopper Table per day?
1 shopper, 1 trip
What 2 states have a Disney theme park?
California (Disneyland) and Florida (Disney World)
If your phone is out during class, what is the consequence?
What about if it's out a 2nd time?
1st time - phone goes to the office for a parent pick-up
2nd time - phone goes to the office for a parent pick-up and you will receive a write-up
*Consequences from last semester will roll over
**Remember, this is the Sierra policy
When you are absent, what 2 things do you do when you get back to class?
Check the work folder in the back of the classroom, answer warm-ups from the Warm-up Binder
What is one activity we did for physical day?
Yoga, Jump Rope Challenge, "Standing" desk
During a lab, where do you find the answer to how long you should keep your product in the oven?
The recipe
How many days are in June?
30 days
When are you allowed to eat in class?
Only when you have made it in class as an assignment.
When are you allowed to leave at the end of class?
When the teacher dismisses you.
The bell does not dismiss you.
What does FACS stand for?
Family and Consumer Sciences
WITHOUT RUNNING, go to your kitchen and get:
- ONE item to measure LESS THAN 1/3 c.
- ONE item that keeps you safe
- 1/4 c., 1/8 c., 1 T., 1 tsp, 1/2 tsp or 1/4 tsp
- an oven mitt
What is Mrs. Pohl's son's name?
How will Mrs. Pohl get your attention?
Countdown from 3
When using laptops or iPads in class, where should they be left at the end of class AND how should they be left there?
(3 things)
Laptops/iPads should be:
1. placed back in the cart
2. in their correct numbered slot
3. plugged in
"cannot say FACS teacher*
Interior designer, chef, daycare worker, baker, nutritionist
List the 5 steps to a "Scrub Up"
1. Put your personal items at your seat.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Put on your team apron.
4. Read the recipe.
5. Wait for Mrs. Pohl's instructions.
List the 7 continents in alphabetical order.
Africa, Antartica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America