If you do not have a pencil in this classroom what should you do?
Get one to borrow from the drawer on the counter.
What do I do if I need to ask my teacher a question? Hint: 3 steps
1. Raise your hand calmly
2. Look at the teacher
3. Wait to be called on
What is rule #1? What does this look like?
Listen to the speaker
1. Look at the person
2. Stay quiet
3. Wait until the person is finished
Be Respectful-Cafeteria
Wait your turn in line
Say, “please” & “thank you”
What is an example of an individual POSITIVE consequence in the classroom?
-Stamp in Agenda
If an activity requires scissors but you do not have any what should you do?
Borrow a pair from the containers in the lower left cabinets.
What is the first thing you should do when you enter the classroom?
Fill out your agenda silently, and leave it open on your table.
What is rule #2? What does this look like?
Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat
1. Raise your hand calmly
2. Use the appropriate signal
3. Wait until you are called on silently
Be Responsible-Open Campus
Go directly to where you need to be
Carry chrome book appropriately (hug/in backpack)
What is an example of a whole class POSITIVE consequence?
Points for Jolly Rancher Wars
Oh no! I forgot my headphones, what should I do?
Borrow a pair from the basket on the shelf under the windows. I will be sure to put them back in the zip bag when I am done.
When may a student use the restroom? What should they do?
1. Teacher is NOT teaching
2. Pass is available
3. Use the correct signal (silently)
4. Place your agenda on the podium
5. Sign out on the door and take the pass
What is rule #3? What does this look like?
Always be honest
1. Tell the truth
2. Admit when you are wrong
3. Do not waste class time. Own your mistakes and move on!
Be Safe-Classroom
Enter the classroom in an orderly manner
Use materials and equipment appropriately
How can a class earn points for Jolly Rancher wars during a call and response? Ex: Shark Bait
All together, full participation, silence and attention to follow.
Rats! My pencil is dull. What should I do?
Use a hand crank pencil sharpener on one of the tables or trade for/borrow a sharp pencil from the drawer on the counter.
What should I do if I need a drink of water?
1. Wait until the teacher is not directly teaching (up front)
2. Use signal.
3. Silently get your drink by walking in the most direct path.
4. Do not bother peers on the way!
What is rule #4? What does this look like?
Be a caring friend
1. Use kind words (and body language)
2. Let everyone learn (don't be a disruption)
3. Help out when you can
Be Respectful-Playground
Take turns
Be a good sport
Follow game rules
Respect the school grounds and nature
What is a first step of an individual NEGATIVE consequence?
-Verbal warning
Whoops. I lost the cap to my glue stick. What should I do?
Find it! It is here somewhere!
I'm all done with my work! Now what?
1. Check to make sure you have met the expectations (You Need)
2. See if you can improve anything! (Double check)
3. IF and only IF you've done your very best, turn it in to the correct tray under the windows.
4. Work on your Social Studies notes/read a Social Studies book.
What is rule #5, what does this look like?
Always try your best
1. Don't be lazy
2. Double check your work
3. Participate
4. Try, even if it's hard!
Be Responsible-Restroom
Wash your hands
Use time wisely
Do not bring backpack/cellphone
If a student should choose to to continue to make negative choices (sad face) what would be the order of consequences?
-Signature in agenda
-Buddy room reflection
-Lunch Detention
-Phone Call home
-Office Referral