What does a productive learning space look and sound like?
I am sitting up at a table, ready to work. There aren't any distractions in the background like loud noises, siblings, pets or the TV! I also do not have any other items besides the things I need to learn!
I notice some new students in our classroom. What can I do if I don't know their names?
I can introduce myself during Morning Meeting via Zoom, work with them during worktime/ class discussion. Ask them if they want to do a "virtual hangout" somewhere/ somehow!
What do I use Google Classroom for?
Google Classroom is my online classroom. I should check Google Classroom every morning to find my schedule, assignments, and any last minute notes from my teachers
What sessions do I need to attend?
All of my synchronous learning sessions (live on camera)! This includes small group meetings AND specials!
What should I be wearing when I log on for school each day?
My uniform shirt! And appropriate bottoms (pants/ skirt/ appropriate length shorts)
What does it look like to use the chat professionally?
I am responding to the the lesson and not carrying a conversation. I use the chat to agree and disagree with my peers or even give some shine and encouragement to my peers
I noticed that one of my sisters is sad face on Zoom. What should I do?
Send her a sweet message through gmail as encouragement or when the time is right, come off mute and share words of encouragement. I can also smile on camera and bring the positive energy!!
When complete an assignment on Google Classroom, what button do I need to click so my teacher knows my assignment is completed?
Remember to click "Sumbit" or "Done"!
As I am reading my independent reading book, what do I need to make sure I am completing?
My Independent Reading Log silly!!
My lesson starts at 9:00am. What time should I log on and what materials should I bring so I am prepared and ready for my lesson?
I should log on at 8:50am and should be ready with charged tech, my notebook and pencils and headphones (if necessary!)
I really tried my hardest on an assignment but still struggled and scored a 70%. What are some things I can do for myself?
Ask the teacher for another chance to complete the assignment or resources that could help me study independently! Just don't give up! Because struggle = progree!!
One of my sisters just shared out the wrong answer during a lesson. How can I show sisterhood to her in this moment?
Show silent encouragement, send her a sweet message after the lesson or when the time is right come off mute and support her. If I know the right answer, I should also participate in the discussion so that I can help my sisters learn.
How do I know what assignments are due for the day?
I should go to Classwork and view the date and then see all the assignments. Each uncompleted assignment will appear dark grey and all completed assignments will appear light grey.
If I miss a lesson, what are next steps that I can take?
I should let my teacher know that I missed the session so that I can recieve the recording of the lesson and she can let me know what to do from there.
When should my camera be on during lessons?
The whooooole time- unless the teacher asks you to turn of cameras for an activity. We want to see your beautiful faces everyday
I don't have all the materials for the project. How can I still participate?
Ask a teacher for suggestions of other materials. It's okay if I just use a pencil/ paper or whatever I have! Sometimes we need to be creative and innovative and that's okay!
One of sisters is sharing an idea on Zoom. I have the same idea? What can I do?
I can use a silent signal to show my peer that I agree with her thinking! Then, when she is finished speaking, I should build on and add my thoughts to the discussion.
How do I receive my grade on google classroom for my assignments?
Clever Badges is your indivdualized learning page. Once you log into your computer with your clever badge and code, you will have access to all the apps you need. For example, Google Classroom! You teacher has access to your clever page so all your work is shared with them.
How can I professionally email my teacher?
Hi Mrs. Lamour/ Ms. O'Donnell,
{Insert Message Here}
Thank You,
Your Name
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous learning?
Synchronous learning is when we all work together with the teacher on camera. Asynchronous learning is the work I do independently either before or after a lesson
If I am done my work early? What should I do?
Make sure I review my work and see that all parts are complete before submitting my assignment. If it is a synchronous lesson, I can grab an independent reading book and read until it's time to move on
I notice a student is really typing a storm in the chat and its affecting my learning. What can I do?
I can let the teacher know that I am feeling distracted but in the meantime, don't spaz out! Try your best to ignore it and allow the teacher to handle it!
What is clever? How does it help me?
Clever Badges is your indivdualized learning page. Once you log into your computer with your clever badge and code, you will have access to all the apps you need. For example, Google Classroom! You teacher has access to your clever page so all your work is shared with them.
I know math facts are a huge part of 4th grade. I don't know all my facts. What can do?
I can ask my teacher for strategies to help me study my math facts indepdently. Math facts are SUPER important so if you feel uncertain, make sure you reach out for ways to practice!!
Where can I find the schedule for the day?
In Google Classroom- everything is in Google Classroom!