What is the name of this school?
This game requires a black & white ball, goal, several players where only 1 person can use their hands and they must be inside the goal
Sponge Bob's best friend is named...
In this game you need to find the imposter
Among Us
What is the school color?
This can be done at home or at a park with a grill, hot dog links, patties, and meat and usually the main course. What is this?
Carne Asada
What is the name of the Sponge Bob's pet?
This app is used to make videos, typically dancing videos or memes, is very popular, and people have become famous
Tik Tok
What is your team mascot?
Kennedy Cougars
This game is played on the diamond on a field. You need helmets, a bat, and gloves forsure. Ball is white and we've got two big teams in the area
What's the name of Sponge Bob's teacher?
This app is meant to take pictures or videos, keep up with streaks, and it's symbol is a ghost
What is the name of the after school program?
Boys and Girls Club
You'll need a net for this game, a white ball, and usually is played in the sand or grassy area. Sometimes we play this at the beach.
What does Patrick live under?
A rock
This app is used to play music and find or create playlists
What is the name of the program directors?
Ms. Ruby and Ms. Juanita
This game or sport is played inside a pool. There will be a net where players must score ball into net while they're inside the pool.
What are the ingredients for the Krabby Patty?
Bun, patty, mustard, ketchup, pickles, onion, cheese, lettuce, bun, and the secret recipe
Secret recipe
This app is used to watch videos, listen to music, or even create your own channel