You pay tuition to go here.
Being able to work together
Finding Nemo
I have 2 locations in Iowa-Denison and Ottumwa. All costs to attend are covered. You begin your day by 730am. We pay for your "career" uniform clothing so that you can dress for your job. You don't get to leave our campus any time you want.
Job Corps
This skill may require you to speak, write, and listen.
The Jungle Book
You can "Earn while you Learn" with this program a business has you work with a licensed professional, they provide all the schooling and training you need for your career. You are paid. You need your own place to live, your own transportation, cover your own health needs, food needs, etc.
What is an apprenticeship.
WORKing hard, staying with it, focusing on what needs to be done, being honest and ETHICal
Work Ethic
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The Polar Express
Your told what to do, when to do it, how to do it. You wear a uniform. They cut your hair. They may even yell at you. Your entry test is the ASVAB.
What is the military.
Washing your hair, keeping your ears and finger nails clean, brushing your Teeth, wearing clean socks
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ET Phone Home
You complete an application, an interview, accept the job if offered, show up to work, get paid. You are responsible for you.
Meeting NEw people, Talking With OtheRs, KnowING how to introduce yourself
Wonder Woman