All students ________ wear campus wear.
What is must or required.
One would be demonstrating _________ by telling staff of broken materials/equipment.
What is safety or responsibility or respect?
Here at Lima North Middle School, everyone should move about the halls _________________.
What is with appropriate volume?
We always expect what from each of you every single day?
What is your very best?
We _____________ from our mistakes.
What is learn?
All shirts are required to be _________
What is tucked in?
Walls are intended to be a source of privacy in the restroom. They are not a piece of paper, chalk board or other surface meant for _________.
What is writing/drawing/graffiti?
Our students show respect to the belongings and work of others by keeping ________________________________ to themselves when in the halls.
What is hands, feet and all objects?
Students should bring all needed supplies every day such as any homework, paper, your brain and a __________.
What is a pencil?
Leaders do the right thing, even when no one is ________________.
What is looking?
Students _______ wear hoodies or jackets during school hours even if they have a LCS logo.
What is may not/cannot?
Each person should respect the time of others in the building by using the restroom ______________.
What is quickly?
Students should ________ on the right side of the hall and stairwell.
What is WALK?
When someone doesn't understand, he or she should do what?
What is raise his or her hand and ask clarifying questions?
We should believe in ourselves and _____________.
What is each other or our classmates?
All shirts can be any _______ color meaning no stripes or patterns, etc.
What is solid?
To show responsibility and respect, one should do the following before leaving the restroom.
What is flush, buckle pants & belts, tuck in shirts and wash hands?
We should always be demonstrating these three character traits.
What is safe, responsibility and respect?
We always support and ________ not discourage our classmates.
What is encourage?
Fair is not ______________.
What is equal?
Jeans ____ ______ campus wear.
What is are not?
Students at Lima North Middle School should always demonstrate _____________, _______________ and _____________ when using the restrooms.
What is safety, responsibility and respect?
Our students _____________ open the outside doors for anyone.
What is should never?
Students will demonstrate respect by ________________ all _________________ the first time given.
What is following all directions?
As long as you give your best ___________ and pay attention in class, you will show growth.
What is effort?