This is the Roman numeral for a major tonic chord
What is a capital I
The kind of chord currently being played
What is a major chord
This mode is the baseline for all other modes
What is the Ionian Mode
This is what you sing to hear the minor second interval
What is the Jaws Theme
This is the Roman Numeral for a major subdominant chord
What is a capital IV
The kind of chord currently being played
What is a minor chord
This is the number of minor scale variants
What is 3
This mode has on RAISED alteration
What is Lydian Mode
This is what you sing when you want to hear a Perfect Fourth
What is "Here Comes the Bride"
What is the Roman Numeral for a minor subdominant chord?
What is a lower case iv
This chord is two major seconds stacked on top of each other
What is an augmented chord
This minor scale has a raised seventh
What is the harmonic minor scale
This mode has one LOWERED alteration
What is Mixolydian Mode
Scarborough Fair is written in this mode
What is Dorian Mode
What is the Roman Numeral for a major dominant chord
What is a capital V
This kind of chord is made of two minor thirds stacked on top of each other
What is a diminished chord
This is traditionally the first place you look to determine tonality
What is the key signature
This mode is the darkest sounding mode due to the number of alterations it needs
What is Locrian Mode
The beginning of the chorus to 'Take on Me' gives you this interval
What is a major seventh
What is the Roman Numeral for a major submediant chord
What is a capital VI
This kind of chord contains a major third and a perfect fifth
What is a major chord
This minor scale has a raised submediant and leading tone on the way up, but those degrees are lowered on the way down
What is a Melodic minor scale
This mode is a popular mode to write in, even in modern times
What is Dorian Mode
The Star Wars theme is off to battle with this interval.
What is a perfect fifth