What are the three Compliance Methods design teams can choose to comply with?
Prescriptive Compliance Method
Chapter 5 of the IEBC
Work Area Compliance Method
Chapter 6 – Chapter 12 of the IEBC
Performance Compliance Method
Chapter 13 of the IEBC
What are the three groupings of treatments in Historic Buildings?
Maintenance or Repair
New Construction
Returning to Specific Period of Time
If more than one (1) exit is required, what is the maximum length a dead end corridor is allowed?
Habitable rooms (excluding kitchens) are required to have at least one dimension that is at least ____ .
Match the following definition to its term: "The distance between a structure and an adjacent lot line."
“…little likelihood of being accomplished because the existing structural conditions require the removal or alteration of a load-bearing member…or because other existing physical or site constraints prohibit modification or addition of elements…which are in full and strict compliance with the minimum requirements for new construction…”
Technically Infeasible
When working on Historic buildings, often you will come across two materials that are NOT ALLOWED to be reused or installed. What are they?
Asbestos and Lead Based Paint.
What is the maximum slope of an accessible ramp?
1:12 (8%)
If your room has glazing that is only 6% of its room area, what is the MINIMUM illumination level of artificial lighting required?
6 Footcandles
Section 303
The only Construction Type that does not have an "A" and "B" designation. (What is the name as well?)
Type IV - Heavy Timber
Prove you understand the difference between the three levels of the Work Area Method.
Level 1
“…include the removal and replacement or the covering of existing materials, elements, equipment or fixtures using new materials…that serve the same purpose.”
Level 2
“…include the reconfiguration of space, the addition or elimination of any door or window…extension of any system or the installation of any additional equipment.”
Level 3
“…apply where the work area exceeds 50 percent of the building area.”
As a general rule of thumb, when determining how many handicap parking spaces are required or how many units are required to be accessible, both use a __ in __ ratio to determine.
1 in 25
Who or what is your favorite Architect/Firm?
Could also be Engineer, Builder, Designer, Etc.
What is your favorite piece of Architecture?
Could also be Engineering, Construction, Design, Etc.
I will have to review everyone's answers.
For me its between Santiago Calatrava (Engineer/Architect) and Samuel Mockbee (Architect for the Poor, True Use of Local Materials)
For building, its Darwin Martin House. (Although I hate Frank Lloyd Wright)
Minimum temperature required in habitable spaces.
68 Degrees minimum
What is the Allowable Area of wall openings allowed in a building that is not sprinklered and with a Fire Separation Distance of 22 feet?
Table 705.8
Performance Compliance Method
“…allows for the existing buildings to be evaluated so as to show that alterations, while not meeting new construction requirements, will improve the current existing situation.”
Intended to maintain or increase the current degree of public safety.
Compliance with this section shall be accepted by the code official.
When renovating a historic building with a noncompliant Grand Stair, with handrails and guardrails that are not compliant, what are you required to do?
Existing noncompliant handrails and guardrails MAY remain, if they are NOT structurally dangerous.
What is the required amount of glazing required in a bathroom?
Minimum of 3 SF of glass, half of which is openable.
What is the general rule of thumb in sizing an Exit stairway?
.3" per occupant
What is the minimum corridor width required for an I-2 building with hospital beds and an occupant load of 200?
.2" per occupant = 40" (200x.2")
However, per table 1020.2, 96" is minimum width for I-2 spaces with beds for movement.
What is the size required for (1) Area of Refuge space? How many are required per how many occupants?
30" x 48"
1 space per 200 occupants
When installing sprinklers in a Historic R-1 Building with transoms above each hallway door, what are you required to do?
Transoms must be closed in fixed position, and sprinklers must be installed on both sides of the transom.
Beams, Girders and Ducts are required to be what minimum height above finished floor in basements?
Which type of exterior opening is NOT required to open directly into a public way?
1204.2.2 - Exterior Openings (Exceptions)
How much flammable cryogenic material can be stored in a storage occupancy with an automatic sprinkler before it must be classified as H-2?
Hint 1 - You will need to use a table.
Hint 2 - Don't forget to check the footnote.
90 pounds.
Table 307.1(1) has 45 pounds.
Footnote d allows for a 100% increase if their is an automatic sprinkler.