__________Park is the most filmed location in the world.
Central Park.
How many years since Gateway first opened its doors?
60-It's our 60th year anniversary!
This teacher prefers snowy weather over summertime.
Ms. Knudsen
This teacher collects and sells vintage toys.
Mr. Sonenshein
This teacher and specialist owns more than 250 books.
Ms. Suratos
New York City was originally called...
New Amsterdam
Which employee has worked at Gateway the longest?
Sharyn Lico- over 25 years
This teacher loves to sew and sometimes wears clothes that she has made herself.
Ms. Coyle
For her first time camping ever, this teacher went with her roommate to the "Four Corners" of the US and camped through all the National Parks in the Southwest in the back of a flatbed truck.
Ms. Carluccio
In a blindfolded taste test, this specialist can tell the difference between ginger ale brands.
Ms. Oliveri
The Empire State Building- Zip Code 10118.
Before moving to 211 West 61st, Gateway was located in a__________________for 36 years.
church- Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church
This teacher is proficient in Mandarin.
Ms. Lipman
As a child, this support person's first favorite book series was Peanuts.
Dr. Harrison
This teacher and specialist was once part of a travelling symphony orchestra for two years!
Ms. Kelley
Popularized by Puerto Ricans living in NYC, a___________is a small shop that sells groceries and other household items, similar to a convenience or corner store.
In 2010, what happened when Gateway collaborated with The Keshavlal V. Bodani Education Foundation.
Not knowing any German, this teacher once moved to Germany to teach English.
Ms. Halloran
This MS teacher once lived on a cruise ship for 3 months with 500 other students and travelled to 10 different countries.
Ms. Rakers
This specialist volunteered on an organic farm one summer in the Galapagos Islands.
Ms. Karkazis
This restaurant was America's first pizzeria. It opened in 1905.
In what year did Gateway expand to have a Middle School?
This teacher has always wanted to be a pilot.
Ms .Haq
This teacher was one an extra in a Netflix series.
Ms. Queler
This specialist once travelled through South Africa alone and broke her foot on a skateboard, she later had to admit herself to the hospital on her own.
Ms. Heggli