When is it important to show KYHFOOTY?
Is it okay to share food with friends?
What sound level do we enter the music or art room at?
Sound level 0.
What is the sound level in the bathroom?
0 or 1
What is the sound level in the hallway?
Where do students wait in line for the bus?
Along the fence behind the gate opening.
What do you do when the yard supervisors say "Class Class"?
Say "Yes, Yes", freeze, and show KYHFOOTY at a sound level 0.
Should you follow the instructions from Mr. Mulder and Mrs. Beck the first time?
Is the bathroom a place to play?
What does PAWS stand for?
Positive Mindset
Act Responsibly
Work Hard
Safety First
What should you do when your name is called?
Find an adult to walk with you to your car.
What do you do when the whistle blows?
Freeze, show KYHFOOTY, and listen for instructions.
When you are walking to and from these classes, what is the sound level in the hallways?
Sound level 0.
How long should you wash your hands for?
What does nose, toes, and zeros mean?
Walk with your nose and toes facing forward, at a sound level 0.
A student has a lunch box, jacket, and their homework folder. Where should all of these items be during dismissal?
In their backpack!
What order should you do these things: play, snack/drink, bathroom?
Is it okay if Mr. Mulder or Mrs. Beck's rules are different than your teacher's?
How can we keep the bathrooms safe?
Show KYHFOOTY and be quick.
What is the conflict resolution statement?
When you ____.
I feel _____
because _____.
What I would like is _____.
What should you do when you get to the pick up area?
Sit down, face forward, and listen for your name.
What should the whole class be doing when your teacher comes out to pick you up?
All students should be sitting on the blacktop in line order.
How should you treat classrooms that are not yours?
With respect: push in chairs, follow teacher's instructions, pick up after yourself.
Where do paper towels go after washing your hands?
In the trash.