Our Class
Our School
Your Behavior
Your Work
Cougar Traits

What do you do as you come into class?

Get my necessary items out of my backpack, write my learning goal and quietly wait for instructions.


Where do you go once you get dropped off at school?

I can either go to the gym with my friends or if I am going to eat breakfast, I can go to the cafeteria through the doors. I do not wonder about the halls.


What happens if I am disrespectful to myself, my peers, my teachers or staff?

Depending upon the severity of the incident, first will be a verbal warning. Second will be a call home and third you will be sent to the office. In extreme cases such as physical contact you will be immediately removed from your class and your parent will be called.


Is Failing allowed?

Yes, we learn more from our failures than our successes. Trying something new is brave and shows you are an active learner. Keep Trying and failing forward!


What does the C in the Cougar Traits stand for?

Cougars take responsibility


When can you get out of your seat?

When given permission or during individual work time.


What do we have every Thursday? What happens if you participate?

Spirit Day, I get to have my name in a drawing for a prize to be given away at the monthly assemblies.

What if I refuse to give up my cell phone to my teacher or staff adult when I get caught on it?

It will be taken to the office and a parent will have to come and get it.


When is your Reading Homework due? How do you get the grade you want?

Reading homework of 20 minute 4 days a week is due every Monday. If you do not have a parent/guardian sign your paper you will not get anything over a 2. 

1- 20 minutes of reading

2 - 40 to 60 minutes of reading

3 - 61 - 80 minutes of reading with a signature

4 - Over 80 minutes with a signature 


What does the U in the Cougar Traits stand for?

Understand our role as students


What do you do when you are absent?

It is my responsibility to ask Mrs. Peck what I missed.


What must I do with my cell phone when I arrive at school? 

Turn it off or on silence and put it into my backpack.


What happens if I don't come to school with my planner or I lost it?

You can not leave any classroom without your planner, and if you lose it one can be purchased from the office before school, at lunch or after school.


What happens if I didn't do well on an assignment?

You may redo any assignment to get a higher score. It is the learning that is important, Not the grade! 


What does the G in the Cougar Traits stand for?

Go prepared


What do I have to do to sign out to leave the classroom after I have received permission?

Once I have permission, I must scan the QR code and answer the questions. Yes, I must still take my planner with me when I leave the classroom.


When can I use the bathroom?

I can go during passing times or in an emergency during individual work time. Not the first or last 10 minutes of class.


Are you allowed to wear hats or hoodies on your head in class?

Not only is it a safety hazard, it is disrespectful to wear hats and hoodies in a classroom.


What are ways to get help?

Raise your hand, ask a friend, send an email, put it on your exit ticket.


What does the A in the Cougar Traits stand for?

Always on task

What is the biggest Rule in Mrs. Peck's class?

RESPECT - myself, my peers and my environment


What do we have once a month to celebrate all of our good work?

An assembly!


When I am getting caught exhibiting Cougar Traits or doing on of the seven habits what happens?

Teachers can give you a got caught being ... card and you can put it in the drawing at the office for a treat. You can also be picked as Student of the Day, and we will announce your accomplishments over the intercom and on Facebook, so everyone can celebrate with you (if you are comfortable with this being shared.)


Where do you keep all of your finished work?

In your white binder. It is where you keep all of your evidence of your progress you have made this year.


What does the R in the Cougar Traits stand for?

Respect self and others