Phys- Ed
High School Knowledge

How many art courses do you need to graduate?

a) 2

b) Only 1

c) Arts courses are not required

d) 3 or more

b) Only 1

In Ontario, 1 art credit must be completed to graduate. Newtonbrook offers a variety of different art courses.


Is physical education mandatory to graduate?

a) Yes, but only 1 course

b) No, but it will show universities/colleges that you are well balanced and can manage your time

c) Yes, you need to take a gym course every year

d) No, it is not mandatory

a) Yes, but only 1 course

Students must earn at least 1 credit in health and physical education to obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.


How many classes do grade 9 students have to take?

(open response, no multiple choice)

8 courses,

4 courses each semester


How can you make friends at Newtonbrook?

a) Join lots of clubs and teams

b) Don't, just stay with your old friends from middle school

c) Be extra cool

d) Do not attend any social events

a) Join lots of clubs and teams

Be approachable! Looking blank, preoccupied, or frustrated will not invite people to approach you. Also, if you want to find new friends, you’ll need to start by finding new people to be friends with.


In what department does Mr. Pasz teach?

Canadian & World Studies (geography, anthropology, sociology...)


Are there art courses where students from different grades are combined?

a) No, all of your classes will only have grade 9 students

b) Yes, only vocals and keyboard does

c) Yes, every art course except band does

c) Yes, every art course except band does

Often, art electives contain students of different grades. Don't worry, it is a chance to get to know more students at Newtonbrook, and eventually see more familiar faces in the hallways!


Does Newtonbrook have a uniform for gym class? 

a) Yes, only a red Newtonbrook shirt and no jeans allowed

b) Yes, black bottoms, a Newtonbrook shirt, and running shoes

c) Yes, only running shoes

d) Nope!!!

b) Yes, black bottoms, a Newtonbrook shirt, and running shoes

Students need to change for gym class every day. Newtonbrook shirts cost between $10-$15 and come in 3 different colours. Running shoes and black athletic bottoms are also required.


How many credits do you need to graduate?

a) 35 credits

b) 30 credits

c) 28 credits

d) 32 credits

e) 1 credit

b) 30 credits

12 elective and 18 compulsory courses


Are students allowed to leave school for lunch?

Yes, just make sure you make it back in time for 3rd period.


What subject does Mr. Fogel teach?



Do any grade 9 art courses have a uniform?

a) No, none of the art courses require uniforms

b) Yes, the drama course

c) Yes, the dance course

d) Yes, both the drama and dance courses

c) Yes, the dance course 

To receive full marks in class, dancers are required to wear black bottoms and a Newtonbrook dance shirt (which you can purchase for $15).


What are physical education marks based on?

a) Your skill level (how good you are)

b) Participation

c) Initiative

d) How you improve throughout the semester

e) b,c, and d

f) a, and b

e) b,c, and d

You will succeed in any physical education course if you are willing to participate, show initiative, and work hard.


How long is each class?

a) 45 minutes

b) 1 hour

c) 1 hour and 15 minutes

d) 1 hour and 30 minutes

c) 1 hour and 15 minutes


How many volunteer hours are needed for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma?

40 community service hours


What subjects does Ms. Little teach?

ESL English, Drama


What art courses does Newtonbrook offer in grade 9?

(name any 3)

Guitar, keyboard, band, vocals, dance, drama, aboriginal arts

Newtonbrook has a wide selection of art courses that you can take.


How many teams can you join per year?

a) As many as you like!

b) 3 and badminton

c) 2-5

d) Only 1, pick wisely

b) 3 and badminton

Students can play 1 sport per season (fall, winter, spring) in addition to playing with the badminton team.


Where do you go if you’re late to school? 

a) Your class

b) Office

c) Guidance office

d) Doors lock at 9:10 am

e) You wait in the hallway until your next class starts

b) Office

If you come late, go to the office, get a late slip, and head to class.


What is “Moratorium”?

a) A week without additional homework or assignments before exams begin

b) A very important assignment

c) A test with no multiple choice questions

d) A student whose marks all surpass 80%

a) A week without additional homework or assignments before exams begin

A moratorium gives students time to study and review without being burdened by extra work before exams.


In what department do Ms. Fox (left) and Mr. Kilimnik (right) teach?

Health & Physical Education


Do you need to buy your own instruments for the grade 9 music courses?

a) Yes, I need to buy the instrument and all of the materials that are essential for the care of my instrument.

b) No, I do not need to purchase anything for the music course.

c) Yes, I need to buy the instrument but all of the materials that are essential for the care of my instrument will be provided.

d) No, I do not need to purchase an instrument, however, I need to purchase all of the materials that are essential for the care of my instrument.

b) No, I do not need to purchase anything for the music course.

Newtonbrook does not require students to purchase instruments and accessories for the music courses in grade 9. 


Does joining a sports team improve your phys-ed mark?

a) Yes, but only if the team does well

b) Yes, participation is everything

c) No, teams are unnecessary

d) No, but it shows your teachers good time management skills and responsibility

d) No, but it shows your teachers good time management skills and responsibility

Teams may not help your mark, but they are fun!


Who can you go to when you need help?

(name 2)

a trusted teacher, a friend, a guidance counsellor, the child and youth worker, a parent


What time does school start on a late start day? What time does school end on an early dismissal day?

a) Late start- 9:30 am Early dismissal- 2:35 pm

b) Late start- 10:05 am Early dismissal- 2:05 pm

c) Late start- 11:05 am Early dismissal- 1:05 pm

b) Late start- 10:05 am Early dismissal- 2:05 pm


What 2 subjects does Ms. Perlus teach?

Performing Arts and Visual Art