Quran & Ramadan
Fiqh of Fasting
Dua & Prayers

What two things are special about the month of Ramadan stated in Surah Baqara?

Ramadan is special because the QURAN was first revealed in this month. Also fasting was made mandatory for Muslims in this month. (Surah Baqara, Ayah 185)


What is Zakah? what is its purpose

One of the pillars of Islam. Mandatory charity to pay once a year if you are qualified to specific categories of people. Its purpose is to purify one's wealth and grant one baraka, safeguard from selfishness.


What are the conditions for mandatory fasting in Ramadan?

Muslim, reached the age of puberty, Sane, healthy. 

What is the most famous dua for the last 10 nights of Ramadan? 

   Oh Allah, You are the Pardoner, You love to Pardon, So Pardon Me. اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي


What did the Prophet (S) usually break fast with?

Date & Water. 


Recite the ayah where fasting was prescribed to us be sure to include what Surah and Aya is it from. What is the main purpose of fasting? 

Surah Baqara Ayah 183, Oh you who Believe! Fasting has been prescribed to you as it has been prescribed to those before you so that you may become God-conscious (Tattaqun).


What is Nisab? What is the percentage of Zakah of one's wealth to be given each year?

The minimum amount of wealth that qualifies you for zakah. 2.5% of your wealth must be given in zakah each year. 


What are the conditions for not being able to fast? What needs to be done in replacement? What Surah and Ayah can this be found in?

If you are ill or travelling, make up for another day after Ramadan. If you are chronically ill or of old age, pay fidya (feed poor for each day missed) (Surah Baqara 184-185)


What is the process for starting fasts? 

Intention. No specific dua, but according to Sunnah and companions can say: اَللّهُمَّ اَصُوْمُ غَداً لَّكَ ـ فَيَسِّرْهُ لِىْ و تَقَبَّلْهُ مِنِّىْ Oh Allah I intend to fast tomorrow for you, make it easy for me and accept it from me.....Have Sehri/Suhoor cause it is filled with rewards. 


What two hadith describes the ettiquette of eating? 

"Mention Allah's name and eat with your right hand and eat what is near you." [Bukhari & Muslim] "...It is enough for him to take a few bites to straighten his back. If he cannot do it, then he may fill it with a third of his food, a third of his drink, and a third of his breath.” [Tirmidhi]


In Surah Baqara, Aya 185, what two categories of people are excused from fasting the month of Ramadan. What do they have to do after Ramadan, when they are healthy and able? Allah wants _____ and not ________ for us when we are fasting.

Those that are ill (not chronic) or on a journey are excused from fasting. They must makeup the days when they are able. Allah wants EASE and not HARDSHIP for us when we are fasting. 


When was Zakah made mandatory?

The second year of Hijri in Madina. 


Quranically, when do you know when to break fast and fast? 

Surah Baqara, Aya 187: eat and drink at night until you can discern the white streak of dawn against the blackness of the night; then (give up all that and) complete your fasting until night sets in. 


What is the authentic dua for breaking fast? 

  “Thirst has gone, the arteries are moist, and the reward is sure if Allah wills.“  ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ، وَابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ، وَثَبَتَ الْأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ   Most Authentic in Abu Dawud the other one is considered daeef by abu dawood.


What was the exact date of the Battle of Badr? How many Muslims fought in the Battle of Badr?

17th of Ramadan, 2 A.H. 313 Muslims. 


When the Sahabas were curious as to how close Allah was, what ayah did Allah reveal to them? Recite and Explain.

(2:186) (O Muhammad), when My servants ask you about Me, tell them I am quite near; I hear and answer the call of the caller whenever he calls Me. Let them listen to My call and believe in Me; perhaps they will be guided aright.

Allah is so close to us and our needs, we do not need any middle man/idol or intercessors, just call and he is NEAR.


What surah and ayah mentions the categories of those who can receive Zakah? How many are there? Name them. 

There are 8 categories of Zakah recipient mentioned in Surah Tawba, ayah 60:

1. The poor 2. The needy 3. Zakat Collectors

4. To attract the hearts of those who have been inclined towards Islam 5. The slaves

6. Those who are in debt 7. For Allah’s Cause

8. The wayfarers/travelers.


Is it sufficient for one witness in sighting the new moon of Ramadan? State Hadith

Yes, and it is the saying of the majority. The evidence for that is the Hadeeth of Abdullah bin Umar bin Al-Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported by Abu Dawood  He said: ‘The people sighted the new moon so I informed the Prophet (ﷺ) that I have sighted it. So he fasted and ordered the people to fast”. For indeed the Prophet (ﷺ)  sufficed with the testimony of the trustworthy, reliable Companion, and 4 built [the ruling] based on his report, and he was only one.


Describe the virtues of each of the 1/3 of Ramadan. 

First 10 nights are for Mercy. Second 10 nights are for Forgiveness and the last 10 nights are for Seeking Refuge from Hell Fire. 


In a span of how many years will you have fasted all days of the year for Ramadan? Explain.

Islamic months follow a lunar calendar, so every year the months change by about ~8-10 days. In about 30 years, you will have fasted almost every day of the Gregorian calendar. 

When a believer completes the period of Ramadan, Allah want to attain what purpose? (Hint: not Taqwa, mentioned at the end of 185) (say the words in English & Arabic)

When a believer completes the period of Ramadan, Allah wants us to glorify Allah for that to which he has guided you, and to be among those who are grateful. (words: Li Tu KABBIR Allahu Ma HADAKUM, wa la alakum TASHKURUN)


What is the nisab value of gold and silver? What is the current rate of each presently in USD?

Gold and silver are the two values used to calculate the nisab threshold. You can find the Nisab value for 2025 below, this updates on a daily basis, and is based on the value of 87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver. GOLD: $8263.63 SILVER: $636.16


What to do if you are menstruating and you become clean during the day? What to do if you have to do ghusl and predawn/fajr is approaching?

Make ghusl and pray, and continue to not eat and drink for the rest of the day until iftar. You do have to make up this day if it is not in entirety. If Fajr is approaching, have Suhoor in impurity and make niyah for Fasting, then perform Ghusl, and pray Fajr, your entire fast will be valid. 


Describe the virtues of Laylatul Qadr. Recite the Surah and translate and explain the meaning. 

"Indeed we have sent down the Qur'an during Laylatul Qadr. The Night of Power is better than a 1000 months. On that night, He sends the angels and the Spirits by the permission of their Lord in every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of Dawn." 


When did the conquest of Makkah take place.

Ramadan 10-20 8 A.H.