What is the root word of Ramadan?
Ramadan is derived from the root word Ramadha or Ramdha'un, which means intense heat.
Lailatul Qadr ( Night of Decree) is better than.....
Lailatul Qadr is better than 1000 months. More than 83 years!
In which month do we perform Eid Al Fitr?
Eid Al Fitr takes place after Ramadan in the 1st of Shawwal.
Which type of people may be excused from Fasting?
Those who are sick
Those who are elderly and are too weak to fast
Those who are traveling
Mothers who are nursing their new born
Where did the First Revelation/Wahi take place?
Cave Hira/ Ghar Al Hira
Jabal An Noor - Mecca
In Ramadan, our deeds are multiplied by...
70 to 700 times
What actions can you do instead if you are unable to fast?
Feed a needy person who is poor.
Or fast at a later date.
What does the word "Sawm" mean?
Sawm means to "abstain/refrain" from something.
Which Surah in the Qur'an has 2 Bismillah?
Surah An Namal ( The Ant)/ Juz 19/20
Story of Sulaiman (A) and his letter to the Queen of Sheba/Saba
If a person intentionally breaks or leaves their fast without a valid excuse, what is their penalty?
They must fast for 2 consecutive months (60 Days) or feed 60 Masakeen/Miskeen people.
Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?
- To attain Taqwa
- reap the benefits of the Night of Power
- seek forgiveness for sins
What happens if you accidentally eat or drink while fasting?
You can still continue with your fast if you eat or drink by mistake.
What is the Dua for breaking the fast?
Allahumma Inni Laka Sumtu Wa Ala Rizqika Aftartu.
Oh Allah I fasted for you and I make Iftar upon your Rizq (Sustenance).
Which other Surah in the Qur'an talks about Lailatul Qadr/ Night of Decree other than Surah Al Qadr?
Surah Al Dukhan/ Juz 25
Which Surah in the Qur'an has NO Bismillah?
Surah Al Tawbah: Juz 10/11
What is the special Salah we pray after Isha in Ramadan?
Taraweeh prayer (Sunnah prayer after Isha Salah)
How many Ayahs are in the Holy Quran?
There are 6236 Ayahs in the Holy Qur'an.
When should we seek Lailatul Qadr?
We should seek Lailatul Qadr in the last ten odd nights of Ramadan.
What is the Dua of forgiveness one recites often in Lailatul Qadr/Night of Decree?
Allahumma Innaka Affuwwun Tuhibbul Afwa Fa'fu Anna
Oh Allah You Are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me
Sunan Ibn Majah
How can the Quran be revealed in 23 years and in 1 Night?
The Quran was sent down from the Protected Tablets ( Lawh Al Mahfooz) to the First Heaven in Lailatul Qadr
From there, the Quran was sent down to Al Arth/Earth over a period of 23 years via Angel Jibreel (A)
How many days are there in Ramadan?
29 or 30 days
What is the special Gate of Jannah that is reserved for those who are fasting?
The Gate of Rayyan will be reserved for those who fasted sincerely for the sake of Allah.
What is Madd and Ghunnah in regards to reciting the Qur'an?
Madd is extending the Fat'ha, Kasrah and Dhammah
Ghunnah is extending the Noon or Meem Sound via the nasal passage
Who would recite the Quran to Prophet (S) during the Month of Ramadan?
Angel Jibreel would recite the Quran to Prophet (S) during the month of Ramadan.
The year Prophet (S) passed away, Angel Jibreel recited it to him twice.
What are Harakat, Tanween, Sukoon and Shaddah/Tashdeed?
Harakat :1 Fat'ha / 1 Kasrah/ 1 Dhammah
Tanween : 2 Fat'ha/ 2 Kasrah/ 2 Dhammah
Sukoon : Single Connection Sign
Shaddad/Tashdeed : Double Letter Connection Sign