Structure of the UN
Parli Pro
Who's Who?
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Fun Facts!
The United Nations' military force, made up of contributed personnel by member states.
What are UN Peacekeepers
The first motion of the conference made to move into formal debate and open the primary speakers list
What is "Motion to open debate"
The president of the United States of America.
Who is Barack Obama
The former San Diego mayor that recently stepped down after numerous allegations of sexual harassment became public.
Who is Bob Filner
In what city is the United Nations headquartered?
What is New York City.
The judicial branch of the United Nations that tries country vs. country cases.
What is the International Court of Justice
This motion temporarily suspends the meeting for a specified amount of time. Use it to create resolutions, talk to other delegates, or anything else you may need to do. It requires a second, is not debatable, and needs a simple majority to pass.
What is "Motion to enter unmoderated caucus"
The United States' Secretary of State
Who is John Kerry
Against what nation is Obama currently urging Congress to authorize a military strike against for alleged use of chemical weapons?
What is Syria
The six official languages of the United Nations.
What are English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic.
The five permanent members of the UN Security Council.
What are China, France, Russia, the UK, and the USA.
This point may be raised after a speaker yields to questions. It is used to ask a question of the speaker relating to the speech just given. It may also be used to ask the chair a questions regarding parliamentary procedure during a normal session.
What is "Point of inquiry"
The Secretary General of the United Nations
Who is Ban Ki-moon
Russia passed legislation in June banning this type of propaganda.
What is "homosexual propaganda"
How many nations are members of the United Nations?
What is 193 nations.
The number of organs of the United Nations as established by the UN charter.
What is six
This motion is used to bring a resolution or topic that has been previously tabled back to the floor. It requires two speakers in favor and two against and needs a two-thirds majority to pass.
What is "Motion to reconsider"
The United States' Ambassador to the UN.
Who is Samantha Power
This was passed this Wednesday by the Mexican government, causing thousands to take the streets in protest.
What is education reform
Four original member states of the United Nations not independent at the time of their admission.
What are Belarus, India, the Philippines, and Ukraine.
The branch of the United Nations focused on improving health, education, economic equality, and the position of women around the world.
What is the Economic and Social Council.
This motion may be made to request that the resolution be divided in a manner specified by the motioner. These clauses will then be voted on individually. This motion requires a second, is debatable, and needs a simple majority to pass. If the motion passes, the body then votes on the operative clauses as they were divided out. If an operative clause fails to receive a majority vote, it is left out of the resolution.
What is "Motion to divide the question"
The country who's ambassador is currently president of the UN Security Council.
What is Australia
This sport was recently reinstated as a sport for the 2020 and 2024 Olympic Games.
What is wrestling
How long was the longest filibuster in UN history?
over eight hours!