What type of drills can we have at school at any given moment?
Fire Drills, Bad Weather, Lock Down, Lock In
Who is your homeroom/Switch teacher?
Ms. Kratz and Ms. White
How do we line up?
In line order
Level 0
NO pushing OR shoving
In what order do we do math?
Warm up
Mini Lesson
Small groups/Stations
What are the rules for specials?
Every specials teacher will have their own set of rules that you will have to follow
When we have a FIRE DRILL, what is the correct way we walk/behave out of the classroom/in the hallways/once we get outside?
Walk calmly out of the classroom in a line, walk quickly and quietly in the hallway, and once outside stand quietly in our designated spot, so your teacher can take attendance.
Where is Ms. Pholas room?
502, across from Ms. White
What are the rules for the restroom?
Get in, Get out, Get back
Not the place to hang out with friends
No playing in the water or with the soap
No playing in the stalls (stay off the floor and no trying to climb over)
If you make a mess, you clean up the mess
Who will be coming into our classroom most days, through out the week? And what will they be doing while in class?
Ms. Davis and Ms. Sanders, they will be pulling groups to work with
What are the rules for lunch?
Sit at you assigned table
Only talk to those at your table
Raise your hand if you need anything
NO talking in the lunch line
You MUST have your ID, if going through the line
Cleaning up:
1 finger- start to gather all trash on to your tray
2 fingers- stand quietly next you table and make sure ALL trash gets picked up (on table and underneath)
3 fingers- move to throw away your trash and line up, where I have directed you to do so on a level 0
When we have a BAD WEATHER DRILL, what is the correct way we leave the classroom? And whos room do we go to if this drill happens?
We line up quickly and quietly and walk to Mrs. Myers room.
Where is Mrs. Matias room?
503, across from Ms. Kratz room
How do we enter the classroom?
Enter on a level 0 or 1(whispering)
Go straight to your seat (walking)
Sit and wait for further instructions
Where will we be going more often this school year during science? And how should we behave?
The science lab and we should behave safely
What are the rules for recess?
1 Whistle- put your hands on your knees and freeze, look for the teachers (knees and freeze)
2 Whistles- you may go back to playing
3 Whistles-find your teacher and go line up
Do not forget any personal belongings outside
Keep hands AND feet to self
Come to find the closest teacher is something is wrong
When we have a LOCK IN DRILL, what are we to do?
Continue on with learning. No leaving the building.
Where is Ms. Whites class?
505, next door to Ms. Kratz room
What is our morning routine?
Come in and find your assigned seat
Stay in your seat
Stay on a level 1 ( only talking to those that you sit next to)
Now is the time to use the restroom
Now is the time to get breakfast
Grab your ID
What can we not do in math and science?
Waste time
Stay in line order
Walk shoe behind shoe
Keep BOTH hands and feet to self
If you need to stop and tie/fix your shoe, please step out of line so you do not get ran over
What are the expectations during a LOCK DOWN DRILL?
Drop the window cover, turn out the lights, and get into the corner of the room by the white board and double cabinets. Sit QUIETLY and sit STILL.
What is the name of Ms. Kratz' dog?
Belle :)
Only log in to your account
(if you get on and someone is still logged on, logout and relogin)
Stay on the assigned website
Keep the volume turned off, if you do not have headphones
No helping on Dreambox, unless directed to by myself
No googling and youtubing random things
No playing games, unless directed to do so by Ms. Kratz
Why is it important to understand why some of our classmates act the way that they do?
Everyone is different and some of our friends need a little more help than others. And that is okay!
What are the specials teachers names?
PE-Ms. Brumfield
PE- Mr. Stinson
Music-Ms. Mounzer
Art- Ms. Lockman