5th Grade Events
Our Room
Ms. Walsh
New Faces
A Little of Everything

These 2 classes are optional to 5th graders, but SO MUCH FUN!!!

What are band and chorus?


You move this before you enter the classroom or you may go hungry and be counted absent.

What is your lunch stick?


I have had ____ birthday cakes?

What is 37?


This 5th grade teacher is responsible for supplying the coffee for all 5th grade teachers, and is a lot nicer than I am;)

Who is Mrs. Ohmstede?


To go to the nurse, you must first do this.

What is fill out a pink slip and get it signed?


Natives have been in Iowa for centuries.  During this event, we will learn how native cultures contribute to our current experiences.

What is our field trip to Kuehn Conservation?


When you enter in the morning we will start with a _________, but then when the bell rings at 8:50 we will have a __________.

What are dance party and soft start?


You might see her in the parking lot on nice days.  Her orange flag really stands out.

Who is Dorotha?


She may not be on time very often, but she can always make time for running.

Who is Mrs. Schmitz?


I gotta go...really, really have to go...PLEASE can I go? Only if you do this first.

What is clip your lunch stick to the door?


Ready...Set...Run! Or jump, or throw, or tug...

What is our 5th grade track meet?


I'm so hungry, this is the time I should eat my snack.

What is when you're hungry (and not using technology)?


I don't typically go with you to specials, but if you're playing this kickball-like game, I may join you for PE.

What is matball?


Even though this 5th grade teacher is a big Cyclone fan and likes cats, I still try to be nice to her.  She also has all the art supplies she will need this year.

Who is Mrs. Shellabarger?


Is it really raining in here? No, the rainstick just signals that I need this.

What is your full attention?


You can't leave elementary yet, but we will do this in May prior to you moving on.

What is our middle school visit?


"Hello, Ms. Walsh's class, student speaking. How may I help you?"

What is how to answer the phone?


I have many strengths, but I will often ask for help from you when it comes to this.

What is spelling? (or Geography)


As the band teacher, she can play ALL instruments and can teach anyone else to play them too.

Who is Ms. Meyer?


I will check for a signature every morning and that it's filled out every afternoon, but it is our responsibility to make sure it gets done.

What is the assignment notebook?


You're on parade while your parents cry.

What is our end-of-the-year clap out?


I can sit here when I am working independently, as long as I follow the "Starbucks Rule".

What is your independent spot?


When I have a few minutes to relax, I'm typically doing one of these two activities.

What is reading or doing puzzles?


Teaching music and chorus, this teacher really likes to sing! 

Who is Mrs. Peterson?


You will get one of these if you turn in our assignments on time and get a signature in your assignment book.

What is a punch on our responsibility card?