What are the 5 core subjects
Social Studies
World Language
Name the sports at the high school that take place in the Fall?
Football, Cross Country, Soccer, Field Hockey, Boys Golf, Dance Team and Crew
Is attendance required in high school?
Can you start your own club in high school?
Yes, you can submit a proposal to the principal
If you need academic support- who should you see?
First and foremost you should plan to see your teacher either before or after school for extra help?
How many credits do you need to graduate?
What sports take place in the Winter?
Swimming, Track, Basketball, Dance Team, Hockey, Volleyball, Gymnastics
What time does the school day start in high school?
8:00 am
When will we learn about all the available clubs/ activities?
During Freshman orientation before school begins.
Besides your teacher, where else can you get academic help?
Monday Night Homework Club, Peer Tutoring during Study hall and National Honor Society tutors.
Besides the 5 core classes, what is the one class that is required by all freshmen?
PE (Gym)
What sports take place in the Spring?
Lacrosse, Softball, Baseball, Sailing, Crew, Rugby, Track and Tennis
How many tardies equal an absence?
3 tardies equal 1 absence
If you are tardy more than 10 minutes - it is absence
Do you have to be a musician or theater person to be involved with the Drama programs?
No, in fact there are many other roles that need to be filled including: set building, set design, lighting, customs and make up.
For what reasons would you see your school counselor?
Scheduling, academic questions, social/peer issues
How many credits is a year long course?
And how many credits is a one semester course?
5 credits
2.5 credits
How would you lose academic eligibility for sports?
A combination of 2 of the following:No credit, failure or Incomplete
How many unexcused absences are you allowed per term?
5 absences
If you exceed 5 absences- you will lose credit for that term
How many clubs/activities are offered at the high school?
What is a school adjustment counselor?
A second layer of support for students in regards to anything social/emtional that is impacting them at school.
30 credits
If you have a sports related question- where do you go and who do you ask?
You would go to the Athletic Director's Office near the GYM
Is a family vacation considered an excused absence?
If you are absent from school can you participate in a club, activity or sports that day?
What is the role of the Assistant Principal?
Assistant principals are divided by the alphabet of your last name. They oversee attendance, discipline.
Mrs. Nosek A-K
Mrs. Piantes L- Z