What is the logo for the ATA app?
What is Umbrella
What is the number to get to the labor tracking menu?
What is 129
True or False? Ambassadors can be on their phone on the floor
What is False
What is our network for training called? ( NACF OR AMXL)
What is NACF
What is the calm code you are done with training?
True or False? Food and Drinks are allowed on the floor
What is False
What is the program called when AAs are self learning on the workstation or scanner?
What is IAT
If your're training out of your home path where should you be coded?
Cross Trained process path
After a feedback how long must you remove your vest?
What is 30 days
Where do AAs go to complete their Global Ambassador LRS?
What is Self Directed Learning Portal (SDLP_
Do Ambassadors ISTOP on the first break or the second break?
What is second break
Name your Learning Trainers
Days :Destiny, Jes, BJ, Mrs. Shunta,
Nights: Juan, James, Sydney, Rhonda
For Umbrella videos is Firefox or Google better?
What is google?
What is the Calm code for Safety School?
Name your Learning Coordinators
Chloe and Tammy