Ambassador History
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Back in Time!

This woman helped pioneer the Ambassador program here at AACC back in 2014. As she has helped the program grow, she has risen to become a fearless leader, trusted mentor, and a beloved advisor. 

Who is (the amazing) Heather McFarland?


This building on Campus is home to many Business courses, the Honors Program Lounge, and some yummy sub sandwiches. Mmmmmm! 

What is the Careers Building?


Appointed on Sep. 6th, 2016, this Vice President was appointed after holding the position of Interim Vice President of Learning and Academic Affairs since 2014 and support from AACC's Faculty Organization (TFO) and AACC administrators. 

Who is Dr. Mike Gavin?


If you ever see Swoop walking around campus, you may notice he has a few of these special helpers to help him navigate our large and spacious campus by foot. 

Who are handlers? 


Dr. Lindsay's predecessor, this woman, broke the glass ceiling at AACC in serving as the first female to serve in the position since the college's founding. 

Who is Dr. Martha A. Smith? 


This person served as the Ambassador's Lead Coordinator Emeritus. He now works at Duke University Hospital as a nurse in the Cardiothoracic unit. You may occasionally see him come back to speak at various LEAP events, since he was the one who helped found the program. 

Who is Caleb Schaeffer?


This building on campus hosts many of our written arts, the Amaranth Literary Journal, and of course, our Ambassador Lounge. 

What is the Humanities Building?

Joining our college in 2008, Dr. Felicia Patterson serves as our college's Vice President for Learner Support Services. She oversees many initiatives designed to support this population of individuals at AACC; the group that keeps our college running. 

Who are the students? 


Swoop's number on his jersey is symbolic. This two digit number symbolizes the recent year he was "hatched" and welcomed into the AACC community. 

What is 15?


Bri has been here for quite a long time. Fresh out of high school at her alma mater, Glen Burnie High School, she came to AACC in this year to start fresh; seeking a career in journalism at the time as opposed to her original pre-med plan. 

What is 2017?


This program, often abbreviated as LEAP, was started to provide Ambassadors with professional development opportunities such as résumé building, job training, and college application tips. 

What is the Leadership Excellence Ambassador Program? 


Whether it's a question about your classes, a need to print your schedule, or just to have a chat with your favorite two advisors, this building on Main Campus serves hundreds of students daily with a multitude of their educational needs! 

What is the Student Services Building?


One of the sweetest women you'll ever meet on campus, this person serves as our college's registrar and will be more than glad to help hand you your diploma on Graduation Day after a long year of interpreting state and federal academic policies that impact student Records and Registration. 

Who is Nanci Beier?


It's been recently revealed that Swoop's majestic wingspan has proven to be a blessing in fighting COVID-19. In fact, his wingspan is exactly this wide, the measurement the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend as ideal for social distancing in public spaces. 

What is 6 feet? 


Long before he was jumping ramps and doing events with Nitro Circus, this motocross driver and Annapolis native was once an alumni at AACC where his uncle served as a reputable lacrosse coach for many years.

Who is Travis Pastrana?


The original Ambassador campus logo contained this directional symbol before its remodel during the 2020-2021 Academic Year. It's original symbol was designed to reflect the guiding light that Ambassadors provide students throughout their service to the program and campus.

What is a compass? 


This building on the West side of Main Campus is named after a Republican senator for the 33rd district of the state of Maryland. Thanks to his family's gracious donation to the AACC Foundation, the building was named in his honor.

What is the CADE Fine Arts building? 


Since appointed in May of 2008, Melissa Beardmore has served the college in this position. One that oversees the college's capital and operating budgets as well as helping oversee major construction projects on campus, like the new Health and Life Sciences building, to ensure everything is going to plan and on budget. 

What is Vice President of Learning Resources Management?


The name of the AACC Mascot was voted on by students at this popular event held each Fall by the Office of Student Engagement. 

What is the Student Involvement Fair?


A monumental day in sports history led to a profound loss. The 1988-1989 season was the very last for AACC's Football team, named this, after a monumental 55-0 loss against Montgomery County Community College that resulted in 15 players walking off the team on the spot.

Who are the AACC Pioneers?


How many Ambassadors were on the very first team?

What is 4?


Named after an AACC President Emeritus, this building on campus is full of natural light to help you study with the added bonus of a rain garden on its roof! One of its many features leading it to LEED Gold certification in 2013 after four grueling years of renovation to ensure that it leaves a sustainable impact on our local environment. 

What is the Truxal Library? 


This established administrator received her Bachelor's in Psychology and Social Work. She came to AACC in 2012 after holding the same position at Glendale Community College in Glendale, California. (And we're happy she's been with us ever since!) 

Who is Dr. Dawn Lindsay?


Swoop has had some pretty big shoes to fill becoming AACC's first official character mascot! In fact, his shoes are so large, that not many would expect THIS to be his shoe size. 

What is Size 13? 


On Jan. 2nd of this historic year, the county Board of Education established Anne Arundel Community College, a comprehensive community center of higher learning. The college opened in September that same year for 270 students in late-afternoon and evening classes in temporary quarters at Severna Park High School.

What is 1961?