Graduation Requirements
Important People
School Policies
Academic Procedures

How many hours of community service must you have to graduate from Lexington High School?



If you need help with your academic work (e.g. an essay or history project), you would go to this person for help. 

Ms. Segars - METCO Academic Support


Where can you check your attendance?



True or False: If you don't like the options in the cafeteria, LHS allows students to have food delivered as long as it is NOT during a scheduled class time.

FALSE: Food deliveries to students from off campus vendors during regular school hours are not permitted.  Students who order food delivery during the school hours will be referred to their Deans and subject to discipline. 


What are "no homework weekends" ?

Teachers should not be assigning homework to be done over the weekend or to be collected the Monday after a No HW weekend.

How many credits must you earn by the end of your senior year to graduate LHS?



If you are feeling stressed due to family, friend drama, or school, you would go to this person for support. 

Ms. Akram - METCO Social Worker


True or False: Free blocks and study halls do not count for attendance. 

FALSE: Study halls (9th and 10th grade) count for attendance. Free blocks (11th and 12th grade) do not.


Who do you report a lost Chromebook to and what happens if you can't find it?

1. Report to Technology Office (main building)

2. If after 2 weeks a student still cannot find his/her/their device, a form will be sent to parents/caregivers that the Chromebook needs to be replaced at cost: $253.


True or False: If I tried a course in the 1st quarter of school and decide I don't like it, I can drop it 2nd quarter as long as I let my guidance counselor know as soon as the quarter starts. 


  • Student-initiated course changes are not allowed beyond the first 12 days of a course.

  • If a student drops a course after twenty-five school days of being in it, a grade of W (withdrawal) will appear on the transcript.


You must pass this test in all subject areas in order to graduate.

MCAS (10th Grade)


If you have a question about your schedule or graduation progress, you would go to this person for an answer. 

Guidance Counselor 


To receive an N (no credit) in a course, how many absences would you have to receive?



This term, defined by LHS, involves a repeated pattern of behavior directed at a victim causing harm or creating a hostile environment, and does not apply when two parties are mutually upsetting each other.



At LHS, using your friend's notes, sharing exam information, or using AI to complete assignments without permission can result in these consequences (3 options).

1. Failing an assignment or course

2. Losing credit in the course

3. Suspension


English, History, Math, and Foreign Languages earn you __ credits per year while Science earns you __ credits per year.

English, History, Math, FL = 4 per year (1/quarter)

Science = 5 per year (1/quarter + 1 for labs)


If you are late to school, you would stop in to speak with this person.

Dean Secretary


True or False: If you have 4 excused absences and 1 unexcused absence, you will receive a N (no credit) for that class.

True: 5 absences of ANY KIND will lead you to a N (no credit). 

Exception: 5 Excused Absences (parent approved) will be automatically waived by your dean.


If a freshman or sophomore student is caught leaving campus, what is the consequence according to the LHS handbook?

At no time during the school day, including lunch time, should 9th or 10th grade students be off school grounds.  Students without Open campus who leave school grounds during the day may be subject to:

1st Offense:     one-day suspension

2nd Offense:    two-day suspension and a re-entry meeting with their parents and dean


What must your report show in order to have honor roll and what must it show to have honorable mention?

Honor Roll: A's and B's

Honorable Mention: A's, B's, and 1 C


Which program at LHS does not allow students to do more than 4 years of high school?

The METCO Program.


If you have a serious concern regarding discipline, this would be the person(s) you would speak to. 

Dean or Ms. Hamilton


List all the types of absences you can have in a class.

*Hint: There are 7 different types of absences.

EX = Excused Absence (Parent Excused)

A = Unexcused Absence (Skip)

AT = Absent Tardy (more than 15 mins late)

ANR = Absent No Return (left for more than 15 mins)

CS = Counseling (Social Worker or Counselor)

NC = No Count 

FT = Field Trip


If you are suspected to be under the influence of a drug or substance, what are the 4 procedures that will happen?

1. Student will be referred to their dean or brought to dean's office. 2 deans must be present for belongings to be searched.

2. Student will be brought to the nurse's office to be assessed.

3. Parent or guardian may be called and asked to bring student home.

4. You will be required to attend drug prevention classes here at school (usually about 8-10 classes).


In order to play athletics or participate in other extracurricular activities at LHS, you must maintain a GPA of ___. 


Students who are failing their classes will be placed on academic probation from sports and extracurriculars.