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This famous book written by E.B. White told a story of a spider that helped save a pig by sending special messages in her web.
What is Charlotte's Web?
When you come to the library to change out your books when it is not your weekly class time.
What is walk-in time?

Jennifer Holm wrote this very popular book series about a mouse.

What is Babymouse?
The button you click to add a new Book Review on Flipgrid.
What is the green circle with a plus sign?
The room in the back of the library with staggered steps for storytelling and lessons.
What is the kiva?
The author of the My Weird School series.
Who is Dan Gutman?
This is what F stands for on the books spine label.
What is fiction?

This is a very popular graphic novel series by Jarrett J. Krosoczka about this school employee.

What is the Lunch Lady series?

The books that are supposed to be given to Mrs. Williams first.

What are the books that you already read (aka. old books)?
The area we place our books when we enter the library.
What is the green shelf?
RJ Palacio wrote this book about a young man with a deformity.
What is Wonder?
The number of weeks that a book can be checked out, without being considered overdue.
What is two weeks?

Tales from a Not So Popular Party Girl is one of the books in this series by Rachel Russell.

What is Dork Diaries?

The dishonest practice of copying someone else's work and calling it your own.

What is plagiarism?
The name of our librarian.
Who is Mrs. Williams?
He writes the Dog Man series and uses cartoons and humor in most of his books.
Who is Dav Pilkey?
The amount of money you owe if you return a book really, REALLY late?
What is nothing (as long as you turn it in I AM HAPPY)?
In this popular books series a mouse, with the help of a might robot, saves the world from an evil villain.
What is Ricky Ricotta's Might Robot Series by Dav Pilkey?

The location of the non-fiction books in our library.

What are the two back walls?
The two languages in which you can find books in our library.
What is English and Spanish?

He wrote the popular series Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Who is Jeff Kinney?

The two places you can find book reviews that have been created by students, teachers, and librarians at Slack Elementary.
What is Destiny and Flipgrid?

Each book in this series tells a terrifying and thrilling story from history, through the eyes of a boy who lived to tell the tale.

What is the I Survived series?

The information on the book's spine label that gives its "address" or location in the library.

What is the call number?
The number system that is used to organize the non-fiction section of the library.
What is the Dewey Decimal System?