Voices of Advocacy
Campus Tours 101
All About Swoop!
Go Clubbing at AACC!
Supportive Resources

This AACC Riverhawk currently serves as your 2020-2021 Student Government Association President. In years past you may have seen him as a member in over a dozen clubs! As busy as he is, it's no surprise he's the unofficial spokesperson for Red Bull energy drinks. 

Who is Ryan Kim?


This building on Campus is home to many Business courses, the Honors Program Lounge, and some yummy sub sandwiches. Mmmmmm!

What is the Careers building?


If you ever see Swoop walking around campus, you may notice he has a few of these special helpers to help him navigate our large and spacious campus by foot.

What are handlers?


This organization, one of three honor societies on campus, serves to welcome all students achieving a GPA of 3.5 or higher after their first 12 credits.

What is Phi Theta Kappa?


This program, housed in the Truxal Library, serves hundreds to help students who may be facing certain obstacles that may impede their education here at AACC. 

Who are the Student Achievement Success Program? 


Coming to us from Community College of Baltimore, this AACC Basic Needs Coordinator and SGA Advisor consistently goes above and beyond to host events like today! When not on campus, you may find her at home with her adorable cat Ralphie. 

Who is Caitlin Silver? 


This building on campus hosts many of our English and Culinary courses. You may also stumble upon the office of the Campus Current, AACC's Student-Led Newspaper in this building as well. 

What is the Humanities building?


Swoop's number on his jersey is symbolic. This two digit number symbolizes the recent year he was "hatched" and welcomed into the AACC community.

What is 15?


This club meets to share all things art. Whether you are a connoisseur or maker of art yourself, you will always have a place to go in this student-led creative club. 

Who are the Art Association?


Need a bite to eat? This campus resource collaborates directly with the Maryland Food Bank to provide snacks and meals to all students in need with home deliveries during COVID-19 or on-campus pickup when safely allowed.

What is the Campus Food Pantry? 


This student serves as AACC's Student Navigator in part of the Office of Student Engagement and New Student Transitions. Also serving our campus as a Student Ambassador, you may find her on livestream on the OSE Instagram throughout the semester. 

Who is Jameira Eades? 


Whether it's a question about your classes, a need to print your schedule, or have questions about financial aid, this building on Main Campus serves hundreds of students daily with a multitude of their educational needs!

What is the Student Services Building?


The name of the AACC Mascot was voted on by students at this popular event held each Fall by the Office of Student Engagement.

What is the Student Involvement Fair?


This club welcomes all students in worship throughout their time at the college. Meeting regularly for bible study, group prayer, or a fun game night, you may find a couple of our Riverhawks in this group. 

Who are the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO)?


This group of amazing superwomen are here to support you with all your mental health needs day or night. They are continuing to provide support to all who need it over ZOOM until we can safely meet again on campus. 

Who is the Counseling Services Center? 


This Riverhawk is spending her fourth year in the flock as your 2020-2021 Student Member of the Board of Trustees. You may also see her coordinating the AACC Ambassador Campus Team or assisting Phi Theta Kappa's Middle States Region as the Regional President. 

Who is Bri Barone? 


This creative building on the West side of Main Campus is named after a Republican senator for the 33rd district of the state of Maryland. Thanks to his continual advocacy for community colleges, especially AACC, the building was named in his honor.

What is the CADE Fine Arts Building? 


When he's not flying around greeting all his fellow members of the Riverhawk flock, you may find Swoop in this area grabbing a quick bite to eat. Who knew Riverhawks like California Rolls? 

What is the Hawk's Nest?


These TWO governing bodies serve to represent all students on campus. This academic year, these clubs merged to create a strong united front to support the entire college campus in creating events and initiatives for students.

Who are the SGA and CAB? 


Whether you're having trouble developing your thesis or your anxious about potentially committing plagiarism, a group of amazing English faculty are here to assist you with all your paper-writing needs in this vital campus program.

What is the Writing Center? 


This established administrator received her Bachelor's in Psychology and Social Work. She came to AACC in 2012 after holding the same position at Glendale Community College in Glendale, California. (And we're happy she's leading us ever since!)

Who is Dr. Dawn Lindsay?


Named after an AACC President Emeritus, this building at the heart of campus is full of natural light to help you study with the added bonus of a rain garden on its roof! One of its many features leading it to LEED Gold certification in 2013 after four grueling years of renovation to ensure that it leaves a sustainable impact on our local environment.

What is the Truxal Library?


It's been recently revealed that Swoop's majestic wingspan has proven to be a blessing in fighting COVID-19. In fact, his wingspan is exactly this wide, the measurement the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend as ideal for social distancing in public spaces.

What is 6 feet?


This organization, although not a part of the Office of Student Engagement, serves to assist all in need throughout the AACC Community. You may find them in their red polos at events, especially welcome week, during the first week of the semester on campus. 

Who are the AACC Campus Ambassadors? 


Need a copy of your schedule printed? Have a question about our campus? Want to become a Campus Ambassador? You can ask the amazing staff at this vital campus resource located next to the Financial Aid Office on Main Campus. 

What is the Information Desk?