Life @ MMS

How many class periods are in every day?

8 (plus Morning Meeting)


What are 2 activities other than sports that you can be involved with?

Art, band, dance, orchestra, student council, and beginner guitar.


What are the 4 core class subjects?

Language Arts (English), Math, Science, and Social Studies.


What is Miller's school motto?

"Rattler's Strike As One! *Hiss*"


What happens when you're late to class? (+100 if you can answer what happens if you are late multiple times)

You need a tardy pass to get into your class.

If you have multiple tardies, you may receive lunch detention, ISS, or even be excluded from CHAMPS day.


What time does school start and end?

Start- 8:30 End - 4:10


What is the sport 6th graders can participate in?

Cross Country


How do you get into Band, Choir, Orchestra, or Theatre?

Talk to your school counselor about your schedule.


What is CHAMPS Day? (+100 to name 2 activities that are available during CHAMPS Day)

CHAMPS day is a celebration at the end of each 9 weeks for students to celebrate their accomplishments. Activities include: free time in the gym, dance party in the cafeteria, free time on the track, giant games, movies, and more!


What must you have to leave class to go to the restroom or anywhere else in the school?

A pass from your teacher


What time does the 1st bell ring?

8:30 AM


What sports are offered at Middle School? (Name at least 3!)

Cross Country, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Tennis, Golf, and Soccer.


What are the only classes you can choose?

You can only choose your electives


What can STOP you from going to CHAMPS Day? (Name at least 2 reasons)

If you get ISS (in school suspension), OSS (out of school suspension), reoccurring tardies, or REBOUND.


What is the name of the CIS Program Manager at Miller MS?

Mrs. Elissa


How long is lunch?

30 minutes


How do you get involved in these activities? (+100 if you can name what you need to sign up for in your schedule)

Get a physical, fill out the form, and come to try-outs. All 6th grade hopeful athletes SHOULD take PRE-ATHLETICS, all 7th & 8th grade athletes will need to take ATHLETICS.


What is an intervention class?

Classes that offer extra help with Reading and Math.


Who are the school academic counselors? 

Mrs. Rhodes & Mr. Kennedy

If you experience or witness bullying, what can you do about it? (Name at least 1 thing you can do)

You can talk to a trusted adult (teachers, counselors, CIS, assistant principals), you can make a report on the STOPit app, and you can write an incident report in the front office.


How long are passing periods?

4 minutes


What are the requirements to play sports or be in most school activities like UIL? (HINT: Grades & Behavior)

You must be passing your core classes and be in good standing with behaviors. If you are failing or have reoccurring behavior issues (like ISS, fighting, inappropriate behavior in class, etc.), your coach may remove you from the team.


What is something both AVID and College & Career Readiness classes will help you with?

Both AVID and C&CR will help you explore jobs and education you can do after high school.


How many ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS does Miller have? (+100 if you can name at least 1)

Three: Ms. Berry, Mrs. Moreno, Mr. Deleon


Can you leave class whenever you want to come to CIS?


There are MANY students at Miller, and it is important that you stay in class to learn. If you need to talk, please come find Mrs. Elissa to ask her during passing periods or in the hallway, ask your teacher to write you a pass, or submit a counselor referral request. Groups will have personal passes to meet once a week.