In the beginning
Are you qualified?
My time machine or yours ?
The House Rules
Let's Wrap this up

This type of affix is in the beginning of a word. 

What is a prefix?


A type of modifier that clarifies the whole meaning of the verb or phrase. Ex. The majority of the students were female.

What is a "qualifying" word?


This type of science is often referred to as "historical science". 

What is "origin science"? 


You don't want to break this rule because then you are being rude to Mrs. Pillion. 

What is rule number 1? 


We study affixes and root words because "SCIENCE is what?" 

What is "EVERYTHING"? 


This affix means "dealing with the heart."

What is cardi-? 


The qualifying word in the following sentence: Prokaryotic cells are ________unicellular.

What is "ALWAYS"? 


Mrs. Pillions' opinion on why it would be impossible to PROVE or DISPROVE evolution theory is because we don't know what ___________ to set our machine. .. 

What is DATE?

(and because we would be wasting valuable resources and time God has given us here-- ain't nobody got time for that).


Sure you could do it after school, as long as it's on the right day, but RULE #5 says this is the place homework is done. 

What is "at home"? 


This type of affix is at the end of a word.

What is a suffix? 


This affix at the beginning of a word means "from within."

What is 'endo'?


The qualifying word in the following sentence: Creationists believe that GOD created the world and everything amazing within it.

What is believe? 


Science is based on ____________ or educated guesses that are considered, by the majority of scientists, to be well supported by evidence.

What are "inferences"? 


This rule lets you know what YOU HAVE TO SAY is important too-- that's why your classmates shouldn't break this rule. 

What is "RULE #2"? 


Affixs, whether at the beginning or the end, are added to this type of WORD which gives the foundation of the meaning. 

What is the "root word"? 


This affix means "before" in relation to the origin of life (biotic). 

What is "pre"? 


The qualifying word in the following phrase: Darwin recanted evolution on his deathbed, possibly because he was ready to meet God and afraid.

What is "possibly"?

Instead of believing that each of us was fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together as a masterpiece by a loving God -- one of the newest theories of evolution is that we are all products of this. 
What is 'STAR DUST'? 
Rule #8 keeps you in this place unless you've asked for permission to move. 

What is "stay in your assigned seat"?


Adding this affix to a word signifies the "study of" a topic. 

What is -ology?


This affix means "water." 

What is aqua?


The majority of students wanted this scientist to teach the class. 

Who is Albert Einstein?


When we can pass a ruler around the room and check the size of something with our classmates-- what type of science of "checking and rechecking" and "testing and retesting" are we doing? 

What is "observational science"? 


This rule (Rule #4) manages and logs the traffic in and out of the classroom-- better grab the pass. 

What is "only 1 person is allowed out of the classroom at a time"? 


This affix to "hydro" means hydrogen dissolving or breaking down.

What is 'lysis'? 


This affix deals with "gravity." 

What is "gravi"?


Few students thought they remembered enough about science to do this. 

What is "teach a class"? 


This describes or predicts phenomena and is often in the form of a mathematical equation such as the _____________ of Gravity established by Sir Issac Newton. 

What is LAW? 


This rule was left off but was QUESTION #15 on your quiz-- when you leave this room all of this "should be did". 

What is "clean your area, take all your stuff, tuck in your chair, and prepare to bless the next class coming in." 


This affix at the end of words such as harm, worth, aim,care and pain, means "without".

What is "less"? 


This affix deals with "habitat or environment." 

What is eco? 


Mrs. Pillion would love this APEX predator the orca as a pet because of which of her sons? 

Who is the youngest? 


The truth is-- science has NOT 'created life' from these types of "nonliving elements" or before-life elements like carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. 

What are prebiotic? 


If you want to ask a question, make a comment, or the rest --- Rules #7 and #9 establish what to do during class or especially a test. 

What are "raise your hand" for permission to speak or ask questions? 

This affix at the end of "kind" means the state or quality of being.

What is "ness"?


This affix means one -- such as One molecule of carbon. 

What is "mono"? (Carbon Monoxide) 


More than half of all students were most interested in learning about which type of science (the study of reptiles). 

What is herpetology? 


Dolly the sheep or love bugs are defined as this not "creating life" or taking something from nothing.

What is "genetic engineering'?


Rule #11--- should really have been RULE #1. 

What is no bullying, touching other persons or things because it's not tolerated? 


This is a "House Rule" that couldn't fit on the list-- It's rule number 6 and establishes there shouldn't be horseplay in the room or touching items on my desk or shelves. 

What is "because there are breakable items in the room that are costly to replace"?