9th Floor
4th Floor
Lake Hall
"It's not actually a combined major"
That's So Random!

A political philosophy that upholds liberty as a core value; their followers seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom and minimize the state’s encroachment on and violations of individuals’ rights.

What is libertarianism?


An argument that both is valid and has all true premises.

What is a sound argument?


A metaphor to illustrate hidden economic forces. It describes how in a free market economy, although the actions of people are all self-interested, they are inadvertently promoting society.

What is the invisible hand?


The head of the PPE Program.

Who is Prof. Adam Hosein?


This NFL player is newly rumored to be dating Taylor Swift.

Who is Travis Kelce?


The constitutional amendment saying that there can be no unreasonable searches or seizures.

What is the 4th Amendment?


A hypothetical way of life that existed before people organized themselves into societies.

What is the state of nature?


Consumer spending, government spending, and these TWO others make up the four spending groups.

Net export spending, and business/investment spending


This department icon has a BA in History, an MA in Political Science, and a JD (and is not a lawyer or law professor).

Who is Richard Conley? (our co-op advisor!)


The smallest country in the world.

What is Vatican City?


The first intergovernmental organization established “to promote international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security”.

What is the League of Nations?


A mode of reasoning that uses the following structure: (1) If P, then Q (2) P (3) Therefore, Q

What is modus ponens?


The business practice of selling the same good at different prices to different customers.

What is price discrimination?


This economics professor researches economics and sustainability, but also teaches classes on crime.

Who is Prof. Madhavi Venkatesan?


The NBC comedy that makes you feel like you are sitting in ethics class, but without Prof. Ben Yelle :(

What is The Good Place?


Commercial and financial penalties applied by states or institutions against states, groups or individuals. A form of coercion that attempts to get an actor to change its behavior through disruption in economic exchange.

What is an (economic) sanction?


A thought experiment used to help people more fairly envision a fair society by pretending that they are ignorant of their personal societal circumstances.

What is the veil of ignorance?


This type of economy is centralized: the government determines production, investment, and prices. (ex: North Korea)

What is a command economy?


This philosophy professor did his dissertation on the meaning of life.

Who is Prof. Mark Wells?


The only edible food that never goes bad.

What is honey?


House Republicans selected this person on Friday as their second nominee for speaker of the House.

Who is Rep. Jim Jordan?


This western philosopher was the first to demand equality between the sexes.

Who is Plato?


This graph represents all combinations of market baskets that provide a consumer with the same level of satisfaction, or utility.

What is an indifference curve?


This research center, housed in the political science department, is named for a former governor of Massachusetts.

What is the Dukakis Center for Urban & Regional Policy?


Northeastern has this many campuses across the world.

What is 13?