What level does.... (a) The pupil understands and speaks conversational and academic English with hesitancy and difficulty. (b) The pupil understands parts of lessons and simple directions. (c) The pupil is at a pre-emergent or emergent level of reading and writing in English, significantly below grade level.
What is level 2
Activities for Sheltered Intstruction Observation Protocol.
What is SIOP...instruction that offers teachers a model for lesson planning and implementation that provides English Learners with access to grade-level content standards.
Name that group: active learner of the English Language who may benefit from various types of language support programs.
What is an English Language Learner.
Many ELLs have disabilities, which is why they are often over-represented in special education. True or False and explain why....
What is the CELDT test. False.
Words in two languages that have a common ethmology.
What is a cognate.
What level does... (a) The pupil understands and speaks conversational English without apparent difficulty, but understands and speaks academic English with some hesitancy. (b) The pupil continues to acquire reading and writing skills in content areas needed to achieve grade level expectations with assistance.
What is level4
Hands-on manipulatives, pictures, visuals, multimedia, demonstrations, related literature, adapted textbook.
What are supplementary materials for teaching E.L.L. students.
This term refers to a program of instruction designed to support the ELL. It is still used to refer to multilingual students in higher education.
What is ESL (English as a Second Language)
All students learn English the same way. True or False. Explain.
What is prior language...true and false...depending on native language, like Spanish with cognates and other languages which have symbols in their language would have a more challenging experience with English.
Understanding what language does rather than just how to use it.
What is Metalinguistic Awareness.
What level does... a) A pupil shall be classified level ... if the pupil does not understand or speak English with the exception of a few isolated words or expressions.
What is level 1.
Graphic Organizers, outlines, leveled study guides, highlighted text, adapted text, jigsaw text reading, NATIVE LANGUAGE TEXTS.
What are ways to adapt content to make it more accessible to E.L.L. students.
Employed by the U..S. Department of education refers to ELLs who lack sufficient mastery of English to meet state standards and excel in an English-Language classroom.
What is LEP (Limited English Proficiency)
When an ELL students is able to speak English fluently, he or she has mastered it? Explain.
What is oral language versus academic written and oral language. False.
Alternating between two langauges or linguistic codes within a single sentence or conversation and is a common practice of ELLs which teachers can use to increase students' awareness of their linguistic practices.
What is Codeswitching.
(a) The pupil understands and speaks conversational and academic English with decreasing hesitancy and difficulty. (b) The pupil is post-emergent, developing reading comprehension and writing skills in English. (c) The pupil’s English literacy skills allow the student to demonstrate academic knowledge in content areas with assistance.hat level does...
What is level 3.
Personal dictionaries, word wall, concept definition map, word sorts, word generation and word study books.
What is teaching vocabulary to E.L.L. students.
Non-native-English-speaking students who are learning English in a country where Engish is not the primary language.
What is EFL (English as a Foreign Language) student
Providing accomodations for ELL studnets only benefits those students. True or False. Explain.
What is learning for all students with challenges in the English Language. False.
Native Language or mother tongue, often abbreviated as L1.
What is First Language
What level does.... (a) The pupil understands and speaks conversational and academic English well. (b) The pupil is near proficient in reading, writing, and content area skills needed to meet grade level expectations. (c) The pupil requires occasional support.
What is level 5
Modulated and adjusted speech.
What is good teaching style for E.L.L. students.
Graduates of U.S. high schools who enter college while still learning English; may include refugees and permanent residents as well as naturalized and native-born citizens of the U.S.
What is a 1,5 Generation Student
Teaching ELLs means only focusing on vocabulary. True or False. Explain.
What is learning forms and structures of academic language. False
Language learned in addition to the first language.
What is Second Language.