"Dos and Don'ts" !
The LSA Library Guide
Between 7:45 - 3:30 Monday, Tuesday, Weds & Thursday, and 7:45-2:45 Friday
What are the Hours of the Library?
A book about a person's life written either by that person or by another person
What is a biography?
An electronic collection of many different types of resources (articles, websites, videos) organized by research topic
What is a database?
The web address for a website.
What is a URL?
The Tab/Page on the LSA Library Guide that includes a link to the LSA Library Catalog, a link for the RI Public Library Catalogs (OSL), and the RI College and University Library Catalogs (HELIN)
What is the BOOKS Tab/Page ?
Scanning the barcodes on your ID card and the book
What is the process for checking out a book?
A code that is placed on the spine label of every book in the library that identifies in which collection it can be located
What is a call number?
Username: gorams Password: lasalle
What are our remote logins for databases
A Webmaster.
What is another name for the "author" of a website?
The Tab/Page on the LSA Library Guide that includes links to online dictionaries, calculation software, AskRI Homework Help/Tutor, Khan Academy and other academic video programs
What is the "HOMEWORK HELP" Tab/Page?
The Library desk
What is the place where you check out a book?
A book that provides true, factual information about a topic.
What is a nonfiction book?
E-Tools such as email, print, citation tools, and advanced search
What e-tools are available in databases?
The date the information was last revised or updated.
What is the date found on the bottom of a webpage or a website's homepage?
The Tab/Page on the LSA Library Guide that includes a link to "Google Advanced Search", the "Internet Public Library", and many scholarly websites arranged alphabetically by subject.
What is the WEBSITES Tab/Page?
Your ID must be scanned at the library entrance
What is required to enter the library during the school day?
A book, often an encyclopedia, with a call number that begins with REF, that provides in depth historical and background information about a specific topic.
What is a specialized reference book?
The category of library resources that includes newspaper articles, magazines, and academic journal articles.
What is a periodical?
Another name for a "Scholarly Website" that should be used for all school reports and projects.
What is an "Academic Website"?
The Tab/Page on the LSA Library Guide where special collections of resources have been gathered for specific class projects. All of these collections are identified by the teacher's last name.
What is the RAMGUIDES Tab/Page?
one copy of a document (maximum 5 pages)
What is the number of copies of a document that you can print for free
Username: yourlastnameyourfirstname Password: lsa
What is your LOGIN to borrow books from another school library?
THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP in using database resources
What is read ?
A domain that is commonly found in the URL (website address) that identifies it as one used for commercial or business enterprises.
What is website with a .com domain?
The Tab/Page where you will find: Salem Health, Salem Science, & Salem History reference works, Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, Grove Art Online, as well as Worldbook Encyclopedia online.
What is the E-ENCYCLOPEDIA Tab/Page on the LSA Library Guide?