What does TLA stand for?
The Learning Academy
How many students are in our class?
Who is the lead teacher?
Miss Julie
Who is our Assistant Principal?
Ms. Kathryn
TLA offers a drama club. T/F
What city is our TLA located?
How many girls are in our class?
(or 2 if you count Miss Julie and Miss Sam)
Who is the assistant teacher?
Miss Sam
Who is the TLA Principal?
Dr. Toby Honsberger
TLA has a music club. T/F
What are our school colors?
Blue and white
How many boys are in our class?
Who is your speech teacher?
Mrs. Micki
Who is the new P.E. Coach?
Mr. Jay
You complete your virtual courses through what website?
What does the puzzle piece symbolize in our school emblem?
What is our classroom known as at TLA?
Standard Diploma
or SDG (standard diploma group)
Who is your school councelor?
Mrs. Jen
Who is your behavior therapist?
Mrs. Danielle
Our virtual classroom platform is called?
Google Classroom