You have 2 6013 welding rods, one is 1/8" in diameter and one is 5/32". Which welding rod has the larger diameter.
This is the symbol for...
V groove
GMAW stands for...
Gas metal arc welding
The ___________ is where you place your electrode when you are ready to weld.
Stinger or electrode holder
When welding in a indoor confined space you must have proper ____________ to protect your lungs.
The flux coating on a welding rod does what?
Protects or SHIELDS the weld puddle from contaminants in the atmosphere.
This fillet weld should be _____ wide.
When welding using the GMAW process, what must be hooked up in between the gas cylinder and the machine?
In order to begin welding you must first ______ and arc.
When welding your clothes must be made of ___________ to prevent burning.
Cotton, denim, leather or other non flammable materials
Which digit in 7018 tells us which position(s) this rod can be welded in?
The third digit or the "1"
what type of groove is this symbol calling for?
U groove
When a shielding gas is called "inert" that means it is...
non- flammable
SMAW stands for...
Shielded metal arc welding
A welding hood that allows you to see, then goes dark when welding is called a...
Auto darkening hood
What is the technical term for a welding rod?
What type of groove is this symbol calling for?
Name the part of the mig torch that guides and CONTACTS the weld wire. hint: it is replaceable and often gets welded shut.
Contact tip
The ________ coating on the rod shields the weld puddle from contaminants.
When welding we need to stare at our weld _________ to determine if we are going too fast or to slow...
6011 can be welded on which polarity/polarities.
This is the symbol for...
Flare bevel
Explain the main difference between GMAW and FCAW processes.
GMAW uses shielding gas and FCAW uses a flux cored wire.
Leaving slag on a weld, and then welding over it leaves behind ...
Slag inclusions
Which of the welding rods we covered must be kept in a rod oven when exposed to moisture because of the low hydrogen characteristics?