What is MIG also know as?
Gas metal Arc Welding
What happens to the flame when you use oxygen and acetylene gas?
The oxyacetylene welding process uses a combination of oxygen and acetylene gas to provide a high temperature flame
What is welding
joining 2 peaces of metal togather
What do you do if you see people horsing around?
Tell Mr. Widaman
What are some ways MIG can be used?
Acetylene is stored in?
Welding Helped Humans Invented?
A lot of stuff
Who horse plays the most in our class?
What types of metal can you use MIG on?
All weldable metals
How is the type of flame produced? What does it depend on?
the ratio of oxygen to acetylene
Welding was discovered during..?
efforts to manipulate iron into useful shapes
What do you need to wear when in the shop?
Safety glasses
GMAW Advantages? List 2
There are three distinct types of oxy-acetylene flames
answer all 3 right
first wilding procedure was performed in space when?
What do company's do to help protect their employees in the shop
Provide a proper ventilation shop
What is MIG not commonly know as?
MAG (Metal Active Gas) welding
The term oxyfuel gas welding outfit refers to...?
all the equipment needed to weld
The first welding manual was published in?
What's the biggest saftey concern in the shop