What PPE should always be worn when welding?
Welding helmet, gloves, and safety glasses
What does a fillet weld symbol look like?
A triangle on the reference line
What does MIG stand for?
Metal Inert Ga
What is porosity in a weld caused by?
Gas trapped in the weld due to contamination or improper shielding gas coverage
Metal Identification
Magnet test – ferrous metals are magnetic
What is the minimum recommended shade lens for arc welding?
Shade 10 or higher, depending on amperage
What does a circle on the welding symbol indicate?
A weld that goes all the way around a joint
What type of electrode is used in SMAW welding?
Stick electrode, such as E6010 or E7018
What causes undercut in a weld?
Excessive heat or improper electrode angle, leaving a groove along the weld’s edge
What is the primary difference between stainless steel and mild steel?
Stainless steel contains chromium, making it corrosion-resistant
Why should you never weld in a confined space without ventilation?
To prevent exposure to harmful fumes and gases
What does a flag at the break of a welding symbol mean?
Field weld – done at the job site, not in a shop
What shielding gas is most commonly used for TIG welding stainless steel?
Argon or Argon/Helium mix
What is slag inclusion, and how can it be prevented?
(Slag trapped in the weld, prevented by proper cleaning and technique
What is a spark test, and how is it used in metal identification?
Grinding metal to observe spark patterns; different metals produce unique spark trails
What is the purpose of a welding curtain?
To protect others from arc flash and flying spark
What does a dashed line below the reference line mean?
The weld is to be placed on the opposite side of the joint
What is the difference between AC and DC welding?
AC alternates current direction, while DC maintains a steady flow in one direction
What happens when a weld has insufficient fusion?
The weld does not fully bond to the base metal, causing weak joints
How can aluminum be distinguished from steel without a magnet?
Aluminum is lighter and does not rust, while steel is heavier and prone to rusting
Why is it dangerous to weld on a closed container?
It could contain flammable substances and explode
What is the significance of a groove weld symbol with a root opening dimension?
It specifies the gap between the base metals before welding to ensure penetration)
What is the primary advantage of flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) over MIG welding?
Better penetration and performance in windy/outdoor conditions
What is the effect of excessive heat input on a weld?
Can cause warping, burn-through, or weakening of the metal
What is the Rockwell or Brinell test used for?
Determining the hardness of a metal