Physical Activity

Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

Starts your day off right, allows body to gain energy for daily activities and focus on your tasks and activities for the day, fills you up!


What is the best drink choice?



How many hours of sleep is required per night? 

8-10 hours each night


What is the recommended amount of moderate/vigorous physical activity per day? 

At least 30 minutes a day for moderate/vigorous exercise, 5 days a week (or 150 minutes a week)


What is wellbeing? 

Positive state of life includes physical health, emotional wellbeing, and satisfaction with real life


What is an example of a nutritious snack?

Fruits, veggies, almonds, granola bar, yogurt, cheese


How much water is recommended daily?

8-10 glasses everyday 


What are good activities to do before bed?


-Not using your phone or electronic devices half an hour before sleeping 

-drinking milk

-yoga/going for walk 


What are easy ways to increase your physical activity.

Walk to Headway or into the community, take the stairs, participate in gym class, spend time outside


What are ways you can use technology to positively promote health? 

Fitness apps, workout videos, video games involving activity !! 


Name atleast one dark green and one orange vegetable you should be eating everyday

Green: Broccoli, romaine lettuce and spinach, kale

Orange: Carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, orange pepper


Are energy drinks good or bad? Why? 

Energy drinks are bad because they provide no nutrients and are extremely high in sugar and caffeine.

Mixing it with alcohol is very dangerous, can cause heart problems (arrhythmias). P.s you should not be drinking alcohol :) 


How does the blue light from your phone effect your quality of sleep? 

Suppresses the production of melatonin, making it difficult to fall asleep. REM cycle affected. 


What are examples of moderate exercises? 

sport, walking, running, house work, jogging, dancing, yoga, swimming


What are factors that contribute to a sedentary lifestyle? 

-technology (video games, cell phones, television, netflix)

-sitting around for long periods of time (couch potato) 


What is the recommended serving for fruits and vegetables?

5-7 servings per day!


Why is it important to consume milk and alternative products?

Vitamin D (we don't get enough of it in Ireland)

Calcium (for your bones)


Name three reasons why sleep is important? 

  • Better concentration

  • Re-energize our bodies

  • Keep our minds sharp 

  • Help us be in a better mood


True or False. Is walking around your house doing chores considered physical activity? 



Mary is 40 years old. She has been sitting on the coach eating chips with a can of pepsi. Are Mary's choices appropriate? 

Trick question. We need to know more about Mary's lifestyle to answer. 

-It is all about balance. Is this something Mary is doing everyday, or once a month? Is Mary active? What does her daily diet consist of? 


For lunch you have a sandwich (2 pieces of bread and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter), an apple, and a yogurt cup. 

How many servings of each food group is there?

Grains: 2

Fruits and vegetables: 1

Milk and alt: 1

Meat and alt: 1


Order these drinks from best choice to worst

Freshly squeezed orange juice, gatorade, water, frappuccino, herbal tea

Water, freshly squeezed orange juice, herbal tea, gatorade, frappuccino 


What are outcomes of poor sleep? 

-fatigue, irritability, inability to concentrate, disruption to sleep cycle, impaired judgement, decreased cognition 

Long term effects: shortened life span, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, effects on mental health


What are the long term effects of a sedentary lifestyle?

  • chronic diseases (cancer, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease)
  • stress
  • lower energy levels
  • not maintaining healthy body weight

The benefits of eating well and being active include:

• Better overall health, feeling and looking better, lower risk of disease, more energy, a healthy body weight, stronger muscles and bones.