This is an expectation for clients to move from one area to another.
What is asking to relocate?
The clients are allowed to call these individuals without a phone card.
What is guardian/worker/lawyer/CSO/JCA/DOC/Sponsor?
What time in the morning and evening are the clients expected to turn in their score sheets on the ARU?
What is 12:30 PM and 8:00 PM?
The first time the client displays a behavior that is consequence-worthy, staff will use this intervention.
What is verbal reflection?
This animal is 30% more likely to get struck by lightning than humans.
What are Giraffes?
This number of youth is allowed to be up and out of their group area chairs at a time.
What is two clients?
These are given out every Thursday morning and are dependant on the clients level.
What are phone cards?
The clients' points in the top right corner of the ARU scoresheet are based on this.
What are Obligations?
According to SCM, this is the least restrictive non-verbal strategy.
What is planned ignoring?
These adorable flying insects are able to recognize human faces.
What are honeybees?
All clients need to be in their room at this time before level time begins.
What is 8:30 PM?
This person is allowed to dial the phone numbers and check missed calls.
Who is a staff member?
Clients on the PRTF and ARU will be docked points based on cleanliness. What will they be docked points for?
What is not showering/cleanliness of bedrooms/cleanliness of group area chairs?
This is the most restrictive level of intervention.
What is Individual Programming?
This Pixar character's name was originally Lunar Larry.
Who is Buzz LightYear?
This time of the day is when clients are expected to be in Quiet Time and not allowed to go to the bathroom for 30 minutes afterward.
What is medication time?
When a phone call is monitored, the client should be where.
What is next to staff, where staff can hear the phone call?
The goals on the top of the scoresheets for the ARU and PRTF should use the acronym S.M.A.R.T, which stands for what.
What is...
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound
This level of intervention is given after a paper reflect for a behavior that has occurred more than once.
This fruit glows blue under a black light.
At the end of the day, the clients and staff are not allowed to leave the units at this time.
What is 7:00 PM?
The client is allowed to have the phone in this and only this area.
What is the Group Area?
At the very bottom of the ARU Scoresheet, the clients should only be scored a 5 when?
When is their last week/After completing their treatment?
According to SCM, this is the last thing we should mention when the client is exhibiting consequence-worthy behaviors.
What is a consequence reminder?
What kind of phobia is this word: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?
What is the fear of long words?