
This office is where you can find out about clubs and organizations on campus.

Student Life 

You can also attend the activities fair and ask fellow students.


These two mental health disorders are the most common among college-aged students.

What are: anxiety and depression/mood disorders

Source: The Healthy Minds Survey


Name 2 barriers to prioritizing your physical health.

All are correct. Examples: time, feeling busy, juggling class and work, other things take higher priority


Sometimes we connect with others based on shared identities or experiences. Provide some examples.

hometown/geographical area, age, race, ethnicity, hobbies, family makeup, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, interests AND MORE!


This simple phone number is a resource for anyone in a mental health crisis and can be contacted via text or phone call.

What is 988? 

You can also text the Crisis Text line by texting HOME to 741-741

In case you ever forget, these numbers are on the back of your student ID!


The CougarPlex is this type of facility that could help you improve your physical wellness. It is located on this campus.

Fitness center! There are weights, a track, basketball courts, fitness classes, and more!

It is located on the East Peoria campus


Give 3 strategies you can use to make new friends.

-Say hello to someone

-Find a shared experience or interest

-Join a club/organization

-Ask someone to study together

-Compliment someone

-Start a conversation and ask questions about the person


Coping skills help us deal with challenging emotions and stressful situations. Provide 3 examples of healthy coping skills.

Great! There are so many coping skills. Watch out for Counseling's Coping skill of the month starting in September!


Nutrition is important to our physical and overall wellness. When considering a balanced diet, we should make sure to have each of these 3 macronutrients represented.

What are fats, protein, and carbohydrates?


For Everyone in the room: Introduce yourself to at least 1 person and find 1 thing you have in common.

You're already making connections!

ICC Counseling Services provides free, confidential mental health support to students. Counseling has offices in these two locations.

East Peoria - main academic building on the main floor, Career Center, same area as advising

Peoria - Student Center, 2nd floor, S221


Sleep can be a struggle, especially for college students! Identify 2 techniques to promote healthy sleep hygiene.

-Examples: reduce screen time before bed, watch caffeine intake, don't study in your bed/sleep area, develop a sleep routine


Social wellness can be defined as developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-rounded support system. Name 2 ways someone can improve their social wellness.

Many examples!

Spending time with friends or family

Trying to meet new people

Asking for help when you need it

Participating in activities with others

Connecting with people in meaningful ways (even online or via technology)

Doing an activity you enjoy with people you enjoy


It can help to be aware of mental health symptoms to support yourself and your friends. Provide examples of 2 symptoms of anxiety and 2 symptoms of depression.

Anxiety: excessive worry, irritability or restlessness, sleep changes, weight/appetite changes, tension, panic attacks, feeling as though something bad will happen

Depression: down or depressed mood, sleep changes, weight/appetite changes, low energy, difficulty concentrating, suicidal thoughts


Everyone take a moment with us and stand up to take some deep breaths.

Hooray! Stopping to reset ourselves with movement and guided breathing can help us feel better!