She was the first African American First Lady of the United States. She advocated for education and healthy living.
Who is Michelle Obama.
This man spoke about "having a dream" that all men would be treated equal.
Who is Martin Luther King
Willie O'Ree was a Black Canadian, famous for breaking the colour barrier in hockey, playing for THIS TEAM in January 1958.
Who are the Boston Bruins.
These are the colours of Black History Month?
What are red, green, black and yellow.
Which Canadian City issued the first ever Canadian proclamation in 1979, that February would be Black History Month in Canada?
What is Toronto
This woman refused to give her seat to a White man.
Who is Rosa Parks
He was the first African-American President.
Who is Barack Obama
Jackie Robinson broke the colour barrier in THIS SPORT in the year 1947.
What is baseball.
In which US University was Black History Month first celebrated?
What is Kent State University.
It was first proposed by leaders of the Black United Students at Kent State University in February 1969. The first celebration of the Black History Month took place at Kent State one year later, in February 1970.
It was through this means that most slaves escaped to Canada to seek refuge and freedom?
What is the Underground Railroad.
Who helped 300 slaves escape to freedom?
Who is Harriet Tubman?
What black singer is known as the King Of Pop?
Who is Michael Jackson
This Black athlete competed for the USA in the Berlin Olympics in 1936 as a runner and jumper despite racial tensions created by Hitler's growing power.
Who is Jesse Owens.
There are four colours that are used for Black History month, and yellow is one. What does the colour YELLOW represent?
What is optimism and/or justice.
(either one or both are acceptable)
In what year were all practices involving slavery completely abolished in the British Empire, including Canada?
What is 1834.
She is a multi-talented artist who has 9 Grammy Awards. Her hits include: Diamonds and Where Have You Been.
Who is Rhianna
This African American Nationalist and religious leader was assassinated in New York city in 1965 when he was gunned down by three men who rushed the stage when he was giving a speech.
Who is Malcolm X.
This accomplished female Black hockey star completed both internationally and nationally for Canada, for 20 years, and is one of the first two females inducted into the hockey hall of fame.
Who is Angela James.
Which president was the first to recognize Black History Month?
Who is Jimmy Carter
True or False??
Slavery was practised for more years in Canada than it has been abolished for?
What is True.
It was practised for over 200 years from the 1600's to the 1800's.
This African American female tennis player won 23 Grand Slams.
Who is Serena Williams.
This American President issued the Emancipation Proclamation is 1863, freeing slaves.
Who is Abraham Lincoln.
Perdita Felicien is one of the most accomplished track athletes in Canada, competing primarily in this sport.
What is hurdles.
In what year did the House of Commons officially recognize February as Black History Month in Canada following a motion introduced by Dr. Augustine.
What is 1995.
The relocation of more than 6 million African Americans from the South to the North is called ____________.
What is The Great Migration?