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Fats found in many animal products such as butter, meat, and cheese. Eating too much may increase your body’s level of cholesterol.

What are saturated fats?


The process of taking in food and using it for energy, growth, and good health.

What is Nutrition?


A unit of heat that measures the energy available in foods. Your body converts the them from the foods you eat into energy.

What is a calorie?


Another work for salt.

What is sodium?


How you view your body.

What is body image?


A waxy chemical our bodies produce and need in small amounts. Too much, however, can lead to heart disease and stroke.

What is cholesterol?


The tough, stringy part of raw fruits, raw vegetables, whole wheat, and other whole grains. Helps carry wastes out of your body.

What is fiber?


Two thirds of your body is made up of this.

What is water?


An extreme eating behavior that can seriously damage the body.

What is an eating disorder?


Medicines meant for people who have trouble moving their bowels.

What are laxatives?


Start off as oils and are made solid through processing. They are linked to heart problems.

What are trans fats?


Nutrients that provide the building blocks your body needs for growth. They promote healing and aid in the repair of tissues. Sources include fish, chicken, beef, eggs, milk, and other dairy products.

What is protein?


Word for being significantly overweight.

What is obese?


Cook meat, chicken, turkey, and fish to safe internal _______________ .

What is temperatures?


People with _____________ are overly concerned with weight gain. They may starve themselves. They eat far fewer calories than they need to stay healthy. They may exercise excessively. Even after they have become dangerously thin, they still see themselves as overweight.

What is anorexia?


Substances in food that your body needs to carry out its normal functions.

What are Nutrients?


Are a nutrient found in fatty animal tissue and plant oils. They carry certain vitamins in your bloodstream and help keep your skin healthy. They also help you feel full after a meal. Also a source of energy for your body.

What are Fats?


Elements in foods that help your body work properly. They are needed only in small amounts. Calcium is an example that helps build strong bones and teeth.

What are minerals?


_________________ cooked leftovers right away after meals.

What is refrigerate?


People with __________ eat large amounts of food, then “purge” themselves. They rid their body of food by vomiting or taking laxatives.

What is bulimia?


Sugars and starches contained in foods. They are your body’s primary energy source.

What are Carbohydrates?


Nutrients that help regulate body functions. Your body needs only tiny amounts of these nutrients. They help your body use other nutrients and fight disease.

What are Vitamins?


A system designed to help Americans make healthful food choices.

What is Mypyramid food guidance system?


USDA stands for ___________   ___________  _________  _________ .

What is United States Department of Agriculture?

Name the 5 food groups.

What is grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat & bean?