78.6 years
What is the life expectancy in the US?
150 minutes
What is the recommended time for moderately intense physical activity?
What is the first stage of change?
Body Mass Index
What does the acronym BMI stand for?
Immediate, anaerobic, and aerobic
What are the three energy systems?
The body's response to physical effort.
What is fitness?
A decrease in premature death.
What is a health benefit for physical activity?
What is the stage where you think about st?
Fainting, muscle spasms, heatstroke
What is heat-related illnesses?
Talk-test method
What method should a person who is active at a light-intensity level be able to do?
Heart disease
What is the leading cause of death in the US?
Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, and depression.
What mental health issues are decreased due to physical activity?
What is the stage where you begin to move towards healthier behavior?
One key component of physical fitness that includes cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength.
What is health-related issues?
Slow, moderate, fast, and race walking
What are the speed levels that are used to measure walking speed?
Lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol consumption
What are the main health risk behaviors?
An increase in insomnia and sleep disturbance.
What health issues are linked to sedentary lifestyles?
What is the stage where you combine intention and behavior?
The term for the gradual adaptation of the body to increased exercise demands.
What is the principle of overload?
What is the HHR (heart rate reserve percentage) for hard exercise intensity?
Cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strengthening, flexibility, and body composition
What are the four components of fitness?
Reaction time, perception, and executive control processes.
What cognitive functions improve from regular exercise?
Maintenance, action, preparation, contemplation, and pre-contemplation
What is the five stages of change backwards?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type
What is the FITT acronym stand for?
208- (0.7 x age)
What is the heart rate formula?