Most adults require how many hours of sleep per night?
Between 7 and 8 hours, though it can vary between people.
In Ontario, what does it mean to have a dual diagnosis?
A diagnosis of both a mental illness and a developmental disorder.
How many Canadians experience mental illness in a given year?
1 in 5.
This type of therapy helps you to change unhelpful or unhealthy ways of thinking, feeling and behaving.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
This movie about navigating bipolar disorder and rebuilding life stars Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence.
Silver Linings Playbook.
The 5 dimensions of self-care are physical, mental, spiritual, _________, and _________.
Social & emotional.
What are co-occurring disorders?
This is having a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder or addiction.
True or false: In the last 10 years, prevalence of mental illness has increased.
This type of therapy focuses on teaching people skills to manage intense emotions, cope with challenging situations, and improve their relationships.
Dialectical Behvaioural Therapy (DBT).
Two bored men (Edward Norton, Brad Pitt) form an underground club with strict rules and fight other men who are fed up with their mundane lives.
Fight Club.
True or False: Self-care is just doing fun things you enjoy.
False. While it can include things you enjoy, self-care is about prioritizing your needs and health. It can be as basic and integral as hygiene and diet.
What is the name of the book used to diagnose mental health conditions?
The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (The DSM).
What is the most common age bracket to experience mental illness?
Young people aged 15-24.
Name 1 core element taught in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy.
Mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness.
This popular folk artist sings about his mental health with vulnerability and honesty, and founded the Busyhead Project, a non-profit mental health foundation.
Noah Kahan.
Name 3 reasons that personal boundaries are important.
Reasons include (but are not limited to): Not getting walked over, avoiding burnout, forming and maintaining healthy relationships, maintaining high self-esteem, keep a sense of safety, prioritizing your morals and values.
Name 3 potential causes for mental illness.
Genes & family history, life experience/development, biology (e.g., chemical imbalances), traumatic brain injury, prenatal (before birth) exposure to chemicals, alcohol and drugs, life/social circumstances (e.g., social isolation, alienation, etc.), emotional trauma.
Approximately what percentage of Canadians are affected by a substance use disorder?
6% (Points awarded within 4% of answer).
What is a type of commonly-used antidepressant medication?
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, or SSRI. Also: SNRI, NDRI, Tricyclic.
This classic film stars Jack Nicholson as a patient in a psychiatric hospital who leads his peers to uprise against an abusive nurse.
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
The World Health Organization estimates that this many premature deaths are avoided each year by using physical activity as self-care.
3.9 million. (Points awared if answer is within 500k)
Name 3 disorders that are commonly comorbid (occurring at the same time) with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Major depression, social anxiety, eating disorders, general phobias, panic disorder, Tourette's syndrome.
Approximately what percentage of working-aged people with disabilities have a mental health-related disability?
46%. (Points awarded within 5% of answer)
EMDR uses what type of action to treat Post-traumatic stress?
Eye movement. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.
This band's hit single "Adam's Song" was considered one of their more serious songs at the time, with themes around depression, loneliness, and suicidality.
Blink 182.