How many guys has Michelle dated?
Whose pumpkin did Cristina smash?
Where is Elisa's family from in Canada?
Who was Michelle's NYE kiss?
Who threw up outside the window of Chris' car?
Why did Elisa not go on a second date with Hinge guy?
Too short
Who did Michelle catch Austin's arm over?
Cristina Mavra
Which Housewife of New Jersey did Cristina meet?
Teresa Giudice
What song did Cristina sing on the microphone to Danny Fernandes?
What were 2 things that Emily took when she moved out that we miss?
1. Mirror at front door
2. Table bench
What was the given name to Adri's man that would make her breakfast in the morning?
Tom Holland
Who got punched in the face by Cory at Elisa's house?
How many of the 5 original roommates of the Brock house still live there?
2 (Elisa & Martyna)
Who did Elisa hook up with at the bar as a joke?
Her ex
How many teeth is Tye missing?
Why can't Megan or Gulzar ever be together?
Megan is mixed + cast system.
Gulzar weak.
On whose birthday did the confessionals happen?
How many people were in the car when Elisa crashed into them in New Jersey?
Who did Jackson hook up with on the night of Lil Jon?
Emily & Adri
What caused the falling out between Emily Tran & Sophia?
What did Elisa say to Reuben at the Maddy?
All Black People Like Basketball
Who got a recording of Emily getting spit on by Emma?
What program is Elisa in?
**had to leave blank cuz I dont know
Whose leg did Adri throw up on?
What two people have matching twin flame tattoos?
Cristina Mavra & Sophia