This person missed their calling to be a TV weather personality.
Michael B
This person can often be seen mischievously creating homemade confetti.
Mark M
This person has the talent to be a professional Chef and is known for their Pesto.
Robert S
This person welcomed their first child into the world in 2019
Brad B
"Column Shifter"
Who is Nick A ?
This baker has won Gingerbread house competitions and is famous for professional quality wedding cakes and cupcakes.
Cathy A
This person called into work to let everyone know they would be late because the ferret escaped.
Who is Lisa H?
These two people can quickly put themselves in view of snow capped mountains.
Alison and Brad
(2 people) This person famously nearly doused the another person with a spilled drink when interviewing them during a job interview that took place at Panera.
Who are Kara and Samantha?
"State Champion"
Who is Coach Bill F ?
This person could work for Meriam Webster as they have shown the unique ability to both invent and define new and unknown words.
Tracy H
This person is very hard on their cars....very hard(there have been a few). Even the police are not safe.
Who is Kara D .
Bill F
This person has had two stints in working in the Contracts Mgmt Group and each have been from a different time zone?
Alison V
Who is Tracy H?
This person's quick heroic action suggests they missed their calling to be either a super hero or an EMT.
Chad P
This shady person was seen dealing bourbon barrel lids behind a gas station.
Who is Cathy A ?
This person has enjoyed multiple trips to Germany in recent years including a weekend trip to watch a soccer game there.
Who is Brad ?
This person immediately changed their name and took a long vacation upon joining the contracts management team.( if hiding from something)
Who is Samantha?
"Shut Up Michael!"
Keri or Tracy
This person's next career could be a conspiracy theorist novelist and is famous for dubbing participants of the Worldpay FLDP program as "LMNOPs"
What in the world is Nick A?
This person famously took their family on vacation and upon arrival at their resort after a very long drive discovered the the reservation was actually for next week.
Who is Erin D ?
(Three people) If the Patriots beat the Bears, these two people would be celebrating the win while the third person would be making their true feelings known about the Patriots (and their fans).
Who is Liz, Patrick, and Mark?
These three people hail from northern Ohio?
Who are Keri, Michael, and Robert?
Who is Mark M?