Multiple Meanings
What Would You Do?
With Friends

What are 3 meanings for the word "bat"?

1. noun: a nocturnal mammal that flies usually in small, dark spaces like caves.

2. noun: a long stick used to hit small balls

3. verb: synonym for "hit"


What would you do if a friend told you to jump off a cliff?

1. Ignore the question/tell them no

2. Ask them what they actually mean. Sometimes what someone says isn't what they mean. 

3. They could be telling you that they don't want you to be around right now. Respectfully say you understand and walk away.


There's a rumor at school that you drank from the toilet bowl (or did something else unsafe). What do you do?

1. Make sure everyone knows that the rumor isn't true.

2. Tell a teacher if you don't feel safe (if the kids are making fun of you).


This animal likes to live around stinky foods and is often depicted being eaten by a frog. What animal can we infer this is?


background knowledge = frogs are often depicted eating flies, flies like to be around stinky foods

text clue = frogs are often depicted eating flies, lives arounds stinky foods


Name one of the three periods of the Mesozoic era? 

Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous 


How can you interpret this phrase in two different ways? "He had the key."

-he had a physical "key" (to a door)

-he had an answer


You're lost at Target and you can't find your family anywhere. What do you do?

1. Keep calm and stay where you are so they know where to come back to.

2. Ask an employee of the store to help you find your family.

3. Look for your family, but do not leave the store.


You're in an argument with one of your friends. What do you do?

1. Stop arguing and agree to disagree. Respect other's opinions even if it's not your own.

2. Come up with a solution/compromise.

3. Let the other have their way - only if you don't really care. If you do care, find a way to state your opinion in a respectful way.


A guy walks up to a fruit stand and buys three red fruits. One of them has a worm is he throws it away. He eats one for himself and gives one to his teacher. What fruit can we infer he bought and why?


1. background knowledge - worms & teachers connections with apples

2. text - tells us red fruit


What's the biggest carnivore (so far)?



Yesterday we had a birthday party and the cake was a godzilla. What ways can this be interpreted?

Bonus: what type of nonliteral language is godzilla being used as?

1. the cake was shaped like a godzilla

2. the cake was giant

Bonus: metaphor 


You're having a day at school where suddenly a bully comes up and threatens you. What would you do?

1. Tell them "no" (stand up to them).

2. Tell a teacher.

3. If it's not dangerous, ignore it and don't do anything


Your friends avoid you at recess and don't want to talk or play with you. What can you do?

1. Ignore it if it doesn't hurt your feelings and maybe find other kids to play with.

2. Talk to a teacher and let them know what's happening and how it's making you feel.

3. Ask the kids why they don't want to talk/play with you and let them know it's hurting your feelings. Try to find a compromise with them.

4. Cry out your feelings before doing anything else.


What is the "inference equation"?

inference = background knowledge + textual knowledge


T-Rex battles with Triceratops. Stegosaurus battles with____?



Give four sentences with different meanings of the word "post".

1. He went to the Post Office to post (mail) a letter.

2. He posted up on the side of the room to watch his two friends argue.

3. Post swimming, he had to take a shower.

4. Mom posted my art on our refrigerator. 


You're camping and you notice a bear in your campsite. What do you do?

1. Make yourself look big and make loud noises to scare it away.

2. Go back into your tent and wait until it goes away.

3. Curl up into a little ball and hope the bear goes away.


You are playing a game at recess with your friends and the game starts to get rough and they start calling you names and physically hitting you. What do you do?

A. Walk away and tell a teacher if you don't feel safe.

B. Tell them to stop, you didn't like that, and come up with a peaceful solution together.

C. Stop the game and suggest playing a different game.



Read the following story and find an inference from each sentence:

Steve the Guy was chilling out in his house that had no heat. Suddenly, a bear came charging into his house. Steve the Guy ran out screaming, but the bear started to follow him. Steve runs into the city and the bear starts to destroy the town.

First inference: he was cold

Second inference: he lives in the wilderness

Third inference: he was scared

Fourth sentence: he lives close to humanity/the city


What are the three largest carnivorous dinosaurs so far?

1. Spinosaurus

2. Giganotosaurus 

3. Tyrannosaurus Rex


How can you interpret "eats shoots and leaves" in 3 different ways if you use different punctuation AND meanings of the words?

1. eats, shoots (weapon), and leaves (says goodbye)

2. eats shoots and leaves (the plants)

3. eats shoots (plant), and leaves (says goodbye)


There's a thunderstorm outside so the power is out in your house. Your dad is finding flashlights and your mom is getting the generator ready. What can you do to be helpful in this scenario?

1. Make sure your younger sibling is okay and feeling safe.

2. Check in with your parents to see if they want you to do anything.

3. Gather blankets just in case the heat turns off.

4. Get a lantern just in case the flashlights don't work.


You are sitting on bench when a group of kids come up and say they want to perform on the bench. You let them know that you aren't going to move, and they call over other kids to pick you up and take you off the bench. What do you do?

1. Move to another bench.

2. Ask them politely to perform somewhere else.

3. If your body is feeling angry and like you wants to physically fight, go find a teacher help you navigate your interactions.


There once was a very greedy man who sold everything he owned and bought a brick of gold. He buried the gold brick behind a hut that was across the road from his shabby old house. Every day, the greedy man went across the road and dug up his gold brick to look at it. After a while, a workman noticed the greedy man going across the road every day, and decided to follow him. The next day, the greedy man dug down for his gold brick, but the hole was empty. He pulled at his hair and cried out in sorrow. "My beautiful gold brick!" he wept. A neighbor came running, and asked the greedy man what had happened. When the greedy man told him, the neighbor just shrugged his shoulders. "Why be so sad?" said the neighbor. Just go get a rock and put it in that hole, and pretend that it is gold. It will do you as much good as the gold did."

1. What happened to the gold?

2. What did the neighbor mean when he said " will do you as much good as the gold did"?

1. The neighbor followed him from across the road and dug up the gold and took it

2. All the greedy man did was look at his gold. He didn't buy anything. He could look at the rock and be just as happy!


What are the largest Sauropods?

Argentinosaurus is the heaviest, Seismosaurus is currently the largest, and Amphicoelous could be the largest but scientists aren't sure because all of the evidence remains on a neckbone that was stolen.