This is the definition of vegetation.
What is plant-life?
People brought these two resources to trade in Ghana.
What are salt and gold?
Mali is located in this type of vegetation region.
What is a savanna?
Songhay was the __________ (smallest, middle-sized, largest) empire of the three.
What is largest?
The answer to a division problem
What is the quotient
This is a region with tall grass and a few scattered trees.
What is a savanna?
Ghana was located between these two vegetation regions.
What are the Sahara Dessert and the tropical rainforest?
This is one reason that Mali rose to power and grew.
What is 1) Sundiata led a rebellion against Ghana and took over what was left of Ghana? 2) Powerful kings with a powerful army? 3) Control of the trade routes? 4) Expansion of trade?
This was the leader that pulled away from Mali and began leading Songhay.
Who is Sonni Ali?
This is the study of the Earth and the way people interact with the Earth
What is Geography
This is an evergreen forest in a tropical area with lots of rain and very hot weather.
What is the tropical rainforest?
These are some reasons that Ghana fell (name two).
What are 1) Muslims from the North tried to take over Ghana? 2) Loss of control over trade? 3) Drought? 4) Poor leadership?
Mali was an empire from this time to this time, about 300 years.
What is 1075-1400? *1100-1400 would also be acceptable.
Songhay was a powerful empire from this time to this time.
What is 1400-1600?
This is a force where one object pulls on another
What is gravity
This is the definition of empire.
What is a group of kingdoms or nations taken over and ruled by one leader?
Ghana was an empire from this time to this time, about 500 years.
What is 700 to 1100?
This is the most well known or famous ruler of Mali. He was able to expand Mali's army and turned Timbuktu into a place of learning.
Who is Mansa Musa?
These are two reasons that Songhay grew to be a rich and powerful empire.
What are 1) Songhay pulled away from the empire of Mali under Sonni Ali? 2) Songhay began to take land that had been part of Mali? 3) They had powerful kings, a powerful army, and a powerful navy? 4) Control of trade routes?
On the seventh day of Christmas what did the sweetheart give
What is Seven swans a swimming
__________ is one of the major religions of the world and __________ is someone who belongs to that religion. (*Hint: these people invaded Ghana and weakened their empire)
What is Islam and Muslim?
These are reasons (name three) that Ghana rose and grew.
What are: 1) Location between the salt mines and gold mines? 2) Use of camel for carrying goods? 3) Control of the trade routes? 4) Iron working that led to producing more food (farming) and better weapons? 5) Leaders who taxed traders to raise money and expand the army?
These are reasons for Mali's decline? Name three.
What are 1) A struggle for power after Mansu Musa died 2) Poor leadership 3) Attacks by outsiders 4) Rebellions by kingdoms controlled by Mali 5) Loss of control over trade
These are three reasons that the powerful empire of Songhay fell.
What are 1) Poor leadership took over? 2) A civil war ensued? 3) It had become so large it was difficult to control? 4) Areas of the empire rebelled? 5) The Moroccan army invaded?
What college did Mrs. Pleiness graduate from
What is Saginaw Valley State University