You ate my pasta
no truffles for you
Pass me the grapes
you burger looks funny

The storm broke several windows, scattering jagged pieces of broken glass on the floor.

having rough or pointed edges or surface


The view from the hotel was breathtaking

very impressive


What bodies of water lie to the north of the West-Central European region?

North Sea and English Channel


The skyscraper soars to an impressive 150 meters

to ascend to a higher or more exalted level.


The jungle was so dense that I could only see about five feet in front of me.

made of or containing a lot of things or people that are very close together


Which of the following is NOT a major type of landform found in the West-Central European region.

a. plains           c. uplands

b. savannas      d. mountains

b. savannas      


Alpine skiing became popular when ski lift technology became available.

relating to the Alps or to mountains in general


Hoover Dam and Niagara Falls have large hydroelectric power stations.

of or relating to production of electricity by waterpower


Which area provides West-Central Europe with the best farmland?

a. the Central Uplands       c. the Balkan Peninsula

b. the Swiss Alps              d. the Northern European Plain

 d. the Northern European Plain


Some navigable rivers are only wide enough for small motorboats

river deep and enough for ships to use


Why are the Central Uplands NOT suitable for farming?

a. There is a direct water source to sustain crops.

b. The weather is unpredictable and can change from hot to cold in a matter of minutes.

c. The area is too rocky to farm

d. Frequent earthquakes threaten the growth of crops.

c. The area is too rocky to farm


How is climate of the Alps different from the rest of West- Central Europe?

wetter and colder


As winter approached, Mary decided that she'd need an extra blanket to stay warm at night.

covering for a bed


The geologist took his students on a filed trip to Yellowstone National Park to study the landforms there.

any natural feature of the Earth's surface, such as a hill, lake or beach


Which region do the Jura Mountains belong to?

a. the Northern European Plain  c. the Balkan Peninsula

b. the Central Uplands              d. the Massif Central

b. the Central Uplands              


Water is capable of eroding mountains into plateus.

a sharply raised area of flat land that's higher than the land around it.


Why are the Danube and the Rhine important?

They are used to transport people and goods


Which of the following natural resources makes the Central Uplands important for mining and industry?

a. coal          c. soil

b. timber      d. iron

a. coal  


Which of the following is NOT a reason why the West-Central European region his highly productive farmland?

a. It has mild temperatures

b. It gets plenty of rain

c. It is very dry

d. It has rich soil

c. It is very dry


What creates the marine west coast climate in most of West-Central Europe?

a. it's proximity to the equator

b. the wind current coming down from the north

c. the warm ocean that flows from the northwest

d. the annual amount of rainfall

c. the warm ocean that flows from the northwest