Simple Safety Rules
Pavement Markings
True or False
Road Signs

True or false: Observe and follow speed limits and always drive at speeds that are reasonable and prudent for the existing conditions.

What is true?


These lines separate traffic lines moving in the opposite direction.

What are yellow lines?


You must carry your driver's license with you when you drive.

What is true?


This sign is red and has 8 sides.

What is a Stop sign?


Any person who operates or is physical control of a motor vehicle,  in any place open to the general public for vehicular traffic.

What is a driver?


Where should you hands be placed on the steering wheel?

What is left hand at 8 o'clock and right hand at 4 o'clock?


On roadways which have more than one lane moving in one direction, traffic lanes are separated by this type of line.

What are broken white lines?


You must provide proof of identity like an original or certified copy of a U.S. issued birth certificate or a  valid U.S. passport or passport card.

What is true?


This sign lets you know that traffic is only moving in one direction.

What is a One Way?


Space cushion between your vehicle and the vehicle directly ahead of you.

What is following distance?


True or False: Traffic in both directions do not need to stop before reaching a school bus that has its read light flashing which is receiving or discharging students. 

What is false? On all highways, streets, parking lots, private roads or driveways, traffics in both directions must stop while the bus has it's visual signals active.


These lines are to mark a safe area for pedestrians to use while crossing the street. They are marked by solid white lines.

What are Crosswalk lines?


You do not have to have proof of a social security number?

What is false? you must have an original social security card with your current legal name, an original W-2, or a 1099 form.


What is a Median Warning sign?


Fire, police, chartered rescue squad, ambulance, and other emergency vehicles.

What is Authorized Emergency Vehicles?


To reduce the possibility of hydroplaning, you should:

What is slow down during rainstorms, when roads are slush or when there is standing water. Also, keep tires properly inflated and replace tires when tread wear indicators are visible.

These lanes are reserved for left turns from either direction and are not to be used as through or passing lanes.

What are Center Left-Turn lanes?


If you change your address you are required to notify, in writing, the DMV within 20 days of the change.

What is true?


What is a Railroad crossing sign?


Extra lane on the side of the highway that permits you to enter the highway to pick up speed before merging with traffic in through lanes.

What is acceleration lane?


Never make a U-turn on an interstate. To turn around you must...

What is go to then next exit to turn around?


This lane has white diamond shapes painted in the roadway to inform drivers that the lane is designated for car pools, bicycles, or buses.

What are Special Purpose or "Diamon" lanes?


You do not have to carry a valid proof of West Virginia liability insurance and current registration card with you.

What is false? You must carry your driver's license, a valid proof of liability insurance, and current registration card with you.


What is a detour sign?


The amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. For drivers over the age of 21, it is against the law to drive if this is 0.08% or higher.

What is Blood Alcohol Concentration or BAC?