Social Skills 1
Social Skills 2
Social Skills 3

How might you feel after taking a deep breath?

Calm, happy, relaxed.


What can you do if your friend is feeling sad?

You can listen to them, offer support, try to cheer them up


You keep trying to do a math problem and feel frustrated because it isn't correct. What can you do?

Take a break and try again, take deep breaths, raise your hand and ask for help.


You don't understand the work you are supposed to do.  Who can you ask for help?

Teacher, Parent, Friend


What might you feel if someone you are trying to talk to is ignoring you?

Sad, confused, annoyed or upset


What can you do if your friend is mad at you for something you did to them?

Apologize, say sorry


Demonstrate how you would introduce yourself to a new peer/friend?

Hi, my name is ____, what is your name?


Your friend cancels plan you guys had. What can you do?

plan for another day. find something else to do on your own.


How might you feel if your best friend is talking about the new video game they got and it was the game you really wanted?



People are picking on your friend at lunch. What should you do?

Stand up for your friend by telling an adult, play with your friend, try to cheer your friend up.


Why is it important to use whole body listening?

It makes others happy, shows you are interested, shows you are listening.


You are sitting on the bench outside and a friend asks you to play basketball but you don't feel like playing basketball. What can you do?

You can say, no thanks, I don't really feel like playing basketball. Then you can ask them if they want to do something else such as draw or play a different game.


How might someone feel if they have done something wrong and they know it was wrong?



Name 3 coping strategies you can use

breathing, yoga, walk, drink, music, read, 


Somebody same something about you that you dont agree with. What is the best choice to make?

Tell them that's not okay, talk to someone, stay away from them, etc.


A peer asks you to do something you know is inappropriate, what do you do?

You can say no thanks or explain your boundaries


Name a feeling you might feel when making a new friend?

shy, excited, nervous, happy, accepted


Name qualities you look for in a friend

any acceptable answer


name a strength of yours.

any answer


name something that might make you feel uncomfortable

any answer