Why Study History?
Christendom vs Modernity
The Thirty Years War
The Enlightenment
Enlightenment Philosophers
This is the chief end of man.
What is to know God and enjoy Him forever?

These worldviews clash in who/what is the authority.

What are Christendom: the Bible, Christ, God vs Modernity: Data, Methods, Systems, Forms of Control, Moralisms, Quotes, Man himself?


These 5 Solas are key in understanding the Reformation.

What are: Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone), Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), Sola Fide (By Faith Alone), Sola Gratia (By Grace Alone), and Solus Christus (By Christ Alone)?


The Enlightenment embraced this "-ism" when determining truth.

What is relativism?


He emphasized reason and the human mind over revelation, but still respected the scriptures as truth. His passion was to use only human logic and human reason to prove that God actually exists, and is famous for saying, "I think, therefore I am."

Who is Rene Descartes?


This "-ism" is defined as worship, ideal of progress; the idea that mankind is always becoming better and better based on our own effort.

What is "progressivism"?


These worldviews clash in structure.

What are Christendom: Family and Church with the goal of passing on the Gospel vs Modernity: Force (compulsion), Armies, Weapons?


Signed in 1555, this peace treaty between Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and the Schmalkaldic League allowed for freedom of religion.

What is The Peace of Augsburg?


The rise of religious toleration brought about these 2 responses.

What are ignoring absolute truth (all religions are valid and whatever the majority declares as true is considered true) and indifference (why bother at all)?


He believed that the natural man is fallen and the only solution is that all men serve a dictator who will ensure there is no war and no want. He argued that The State is like an artificial man with a soul who provides all good things to the people it rules over with an iron fist.

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


Education should be the pursuit of these 2 things. 

What are wisdom and delight?


These worldviews clash in ethics.

What are Christendom: certain absolutes (man is fallen and in need of Christ) vs Modernity: Relativism (relative to the circumstances or situation)?


Signed in 1629, this overturned the peace treaty, making it illegal to be a Protestant. It also legalized torture as a means of conversion back to Rome.

What is The Edict of Restitution?


He said, "The Enlightenment brought darkness, not light. The Renaissance brought regress, not progress."

Who is G.K. Chesterton?


He argued for God's existence using the moral argument: ethics lead to justice, justice leads to a just world, a just world leads to a just judge.

Who is Immanuel Kant?


Education- not just HOW to do things, but rather how to do the ____ things with the ___ affections.

What is "right" (right things and right affections)


These worldviews clash in justice.

What are Christendom: according to the demands of the Scriptures vs Modernity: according to the greater good (the most amount of good for the most amount of people)?


In 1632, King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden faced off with Albert of Wallenstein at this famous battle, marking a turning point in the war.

What is the Battle of Lutzen?


Instead of the holy trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, the Enlightenment embraced this unholy trinity of unbelief.

What are Classical Humanism, Naturalism, and Individualism?


He saw the ultimate enemy not as a dictatorship, but as the church (Christianity), calling it "the infamous thing." He believed people invented God as a means of controlling the masses through fear of offending him.

Who is Francoise Voltaire?


Eight reasons to study history.

To show: 1. the glory of God, 2.  all things fall apart, 3. redemption of God, 

To know: 4. our own past, 5. villains, 6. heroes, 7. what it means to be human,

8. To avoid the mistakes of the past.


These worldviews clash in continuity (how things are passed down).

What are Christendom: Grace- God provides grace and perseverance to live life, Man is fallen and is saved by grace, not works vs Modernity: you have to earn your salvation through good works- be a good person?


Signed in 1648, this document reinstated the peace treaty signed in 1555 except in Hapsburg-controlled areas like Bohemia.

What is the Peace of Westfalia?


A common idea during the Enlightenment, the mind/thinking is where we really come into contact with truth; therefore, you have to discover truth through __________ and _________.

What are experience and investigation?


Known as the Father of the French Revolution, he believed that people making laws for themselves cannot be unjust- the general will cannot be unrighteous, and that justice is based on the greater good (good is determined by voting).

Who is Jean-Jacques Rousseau?