The leader of the Nez Perce
Who is Chief Joseph?
The term for when something crosses a continent, like a railroad.
What is Transcontinental?
These towns grew suddenly and were abandoned depending on the supply of ore in the area.
What are Boomtowns?
Tribes on the Great Plains lived this kind of lifestyle.
What is nomadic?
During the late 1800s, the US currency was backed by this.
What is gold or the gold standard?
This was the location that attempted to eliminate the Native American lifestyle and culture from children.
What is the Carlisle Indian School?
Main chief of the Lakota that experienced visions of the future.
Who is Sitting Bull?
These were the names of the RR Companies that built the RR across the US
What are the Central Pacific and Union Pacific?
160 acres for $10 on the condition that the owners live on and improve it were the conditions of this act.
What is the Homestead Act?
The completion of the RR led to the destruction of this essential part of Native Americans' lives on the Great Plains.
What are bison/buffalo? But seriously it is bison.
The concept of free silver was supposed to help farmers in these two ways.
What are increase the price of crops and help pay off loans?
This man was the leader of the Apache tribe in the Southwestern portion of the US.
Who is Geronimo?
Leader of the group of Sioux at Wounded Knee
Who is Big Foot?
This mountain range gave the RR company that started on the West coast a lot of challenges
What are the Sierra Nevadas Mountains?
The completion of this led to an increased demand for coal and steel, cheaper shipping prices, and allowed more people to move West.
What is the Transcontinental Railroad?
The victory at this battle would lead to even more troops being used to put Natives onto reservations.
What is the Battle of Little Bighorn?
This Populist policy was supported by virtually all workers in order to give them time away from their jobs.
What is shorter work hours?
This ritual caused outrage and panic among white settlers near reservations and led to the attempted arrest of Sitting Bull.
What is the Ghost Dance?
Led the US military into a disastrous defeat at Little Big Horn
The location that the RR across the continent was finished.
What was Promontory Summit/Point?
This state was previously kept for Native Americans but eventually opened up to settlers in the 1889 Land Rush
What is Oklahoma?
This event is considered the final conflict with the Native Americans in what the government called "The Indian Wars"
What is Wounded Knee?
These two Populist policies were late turned into amendments.
What are direct election of US senators and National Income Tax?
What are the Black Hills?
Head of the Central Pacific Railroad company, made a famous university, and missed the hammer strike at a ceremony
Who is Leland Stanford?
The RR companies finished building during this year.
What is 1869?
Great Plains farmers earned this nickname for having to use techniques like Dry Farming to grow crops.
What are sodbusters?
This act attempted to eliminate the tribal lifestyle of the Natives and make them private property owners.
What is the Dawes Act?
The Populist leader William Jennings Bryan lost the 1896 Presidential election to this man.
Who is William McKinley?
The name of this long drive trail was created by two partners, who were among the first to make money doing it.
What is the Goodnight-Loving trail?