Redirecting a call

What is the special limit per item on a Valuable Items Plus endorsement on a Q1 Home in Vermont? What it it was a HQ2 policy?




How are glass losses covered in the state of Florida? What if I have the $50 glass deductible?

Full glass coverage for windshields is automatically built into the comprehensive coverage. We will pay under Comprehensive (Other than Collision) Coverage for the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged windshield on "your covered auto" without a deductible.   $50 deductible replaces the Comprehensive or Collision deductible for replacement of-Glass in the doors and windows, other than a windshield-Glass, transparent plastic or other materials used in the exterior lights or mirrors-For glass repairs, the deductible will be waived


Can an agent enroll a customer on Automatic payments over the phone with an ISR?

No- Agents must use the autopay enrollment site located on Travelers For Agents or from the account list for the customer. 


What is the state fee in NC called and what is it increasing to 04/01/24?

State Fee: Yes - Auto Recoupment-A state fee assessed to every automobile policy that applies to Voluntary and Facility risks. The percentage is reviewed and adjusted by the NC Reinsurance Facility, if necessary, in April and October.
Clean Risk / Loss Recoupment surcharge 10.92% effective 04/01/24


The customer had a tow completed and wants to be reimbursed. Where do I redirect him to?

Claim NOL


An agent is calling asking how to add a Trust to a home policy. What do I need to know to determine how the Trust should be listed?

See UW questions for eligibility and then Product/program for how to list.   Current document:


If the VIN does not pull thru a vehicle, what should I do? Is there a website I can check the VIN on?

Current document:
Business Center - Service > PROCEDURES > ISR > AUTO SPECIFIC > Vehicles Page > VIN - System Unable To Identify / Derive

   Access https://vpic.nhtsa.dot.gov/decoder/


Can we delete or refund a same day credit card payment when an agent or customer made the payment in full in error?   What about if it was a bank account?

Yes! Same day CC payments can be refunded in payconnex. If you do not have access, reach out to RST ESC as an immediate need billing change.

No- ACH payments must be held for 10 days from posting date before the recall can be started. Best to advise the caller to stop payment with their bank.


What program are we currently writing home policies in for Delaware?

Quantum home phase 2 (HQ1)


The customer has a home policy thru Travelers with Geico and wants to add an auto policy. What do I need to ask and where would they be redirected to?

Do they want the auto policy with Travelers or Geico?

If thru Travelers > CST

If thru Geico > Geico


The customer has a condo policy and their master policy indicates they need enough coverage to pay their part of the master policy deductible. Which coverage is this and how do I increase it?

Loss Assessment coverage. Hq2-Purchase up to $50,000 without endorsement, limit shows on declarations • Can also be increased with Additional Coverage Package Quantum Home Phase 2 -add HO-35  Increased loss assessment endorsement.


A NY customer calls because they did not complete the CARCO inspection by the requested date on the letter, but they have just completed it today. What do I need to do? 

Inspection completed within 10 days of the inspection due date: Add physical damage coverage, lienholder / additional insured, applicable endorsements, and credits / rating variables back onto policy effective date removed.

•Inspection completed 11 days or more past the due date: Add physical damage coverage, lienholder / additional insured, applicable endorsements, and credits / rating variables back onto policy effective the date inspection was completed.

If I just enrolled a customer in autopay and I did not put their email in Payment center for the confirmation to go to, how can I resend the confirmation email?

Navigate to the billing documents tab, locate the EFT letter and click email next to it. 


When is it OK to verbally cancel a CCC policy?

ok to process verbal cancel when (N/A to LA, OK):

•Agent declines transfer•NH - Non-Owner-Occupied policy

•WA customer (all lines)

•Moved out of state and current agent is not licensed in new state

•Sold home and new home is already insured with Travelers or does not need a new home policy

•Permanently moved to nursing facility / sold home or moved in with relative and does not need renter's insurance

•Surrendered license and / or sold only vehicle


A CCC customer has a child that is over 26 and bought their first car in their name. The child is already on the auto policy as a driver. Where do I redirect this call to?

CST for a spinoff quote


I have a customer that would like to add Buried Utility line coverage to their policy. When can they add it and how would I quote it?

Business Center - Service > PROCEDURES > COUNSELOR > Endorsements-QuantumHome20Property-AddChangeDelete.htm

New BusinessOkay to add during the NB underwriting windowRenewalProcess a Renewal with Change (RECI) or Renewal Re-Issue (RERI) transactionMid-TermCoverage cannot be added / removed as a mid-term policy change  


A customer is calling requesting an SR-22 and this is their first time calling about it. What do I need to ask and who do I need to consult?

Request for SR-22 / FR-44 or SR-26 / FR-46

•Always determine the following prior to consulting with UW

•Requesting state (may differ from the rating state)

•Underlying cause for filing requirement (DUI, Lapse of Insurance, Etc.)

•Liability coverage is present on at least one vehicle


If a customer scheduled a payment for a future date on MyT and wants to cancel or make changes to that payment, How do I assist them?

Business Center - Service > PROCEDURES > COUNSELOR > PaymentProcessing.htm > SchedulingOneTimePaymentOrCancellingScheduledPayment.htm   Billing Homepage•Select "Cancel Payment" button•Read verbatim message prior to clicking "Confirm Cancellation" button•Click "Confirm Cancellation" to cancel payment or "Back to Billing Homepage" to start over or make changes


Where would I look under to find out if we are writing new business in a state or not?

State Page> Misc> Business Strategy  and PIBCC Non-Rate action


The caller is asking for a 1099 tax form, where would I redirect the caller to?

800-328-2189 (Ask for 1099 Unit)


I have a HQ2 home policy and a family of raccoons made a nest in my attic causing damage to my home. Is this covered under my policy?     Double points: What if they made a nest in my car damaging it, would it be covered under my auto policy?

Job Aid Reference >Homeowners Perils Insured Against. No Birds, vermin, rodents or insects • Quantum Home 2.0 includes bats, raccoons, skunks and arachnids are excluded losses.

There is no exclusion for vermin, birds or insects on auto policies and animal damage is covered under comprehensive coverage. 


If a customer is requesting to exclude a driver from a policy in a Rate/Exclude state. What steps do I take on that call?  Is it different in CA?

Business Center - Service > PROCEDURES > STATE SPECIFIC - RETAIL > MULTI-STATE > ExcludedDriver-QuantumAuto20-Service.htm 

1-Advise: what excluding driver means (see chart)

2- process the change to add/change to excluded.

3- Send Named Driver exclusion form.

*In California we can quote changing the driver, but need the signed form to be returned prior to processing the change and should not be promoted to the customer to be excluded. See CA specifics


What steps need to be taken to change a customer from payroll deduction to EFT?

This is a two-part process:Day 1Remove from Statement Bill / Payroll Deduction (As noted in above Procedure)Day 2Guide customer to sign-up for EFT / RCC online or offer to enroll verbally through Payment Center


In what instances are we required to pay the total value of the home policy in the state of Arkansas?

All real property in the event of a total loss due to Fire only.


An agent is calling asking how he can become appointed to Travelers for personal and/or business insurance. Where would I redirect him to?

Prospective agents can request to be appointed at Travelers.com•Select:•Section: For Agents / Brokers•Scroll down to bottom of page•Interested in becoming a Travelers Agent?: Click on "Apply Now"    

Current document:
Business Center - Service > PROCEDURES > ISR > Agent Specific > Agent Appointment / Non-Residence Licensing

Document link: