Who Founded WestPeak (name + last name) and in what year did they do it?
Walton Lim and Tudor Barcan - 2014
As of May 2024, Warren Buffett is the richest person in finance, what is his net worth?
$133 Billion
Which asset class performed the best in 2023? Be specific (equities will not suffice)
Japanese Equities
What is the hot key to merge columns?
ALT + H + M + M
What is Eden's favourite slang?
Who published the first WestPeak report (available on the website)?
Bonus point - date?
Advantage Oil & Gas | Vasant Jain - December 2014
Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter are most famous for co-authoring what paternalistic-sounding popular finance book that was published in 1997?
Answer: Rich Dad, Poor Dad
How old was Queen Victoria when she died?
shortcut to Replace Data
What egg-laying mammal has a paddle-shaped tail, a sleek body covered in dense fur, a wide, flat bill, and big webbed feet?
Who is the member with the longest active tenure at WestPeak (active alumni don't count)?
Bob - been here since his 1st year
According to Investopedia, who is the top finance guru to learn from?
Benjamin Graham
What is the smallest bone in the human body?
Stapes (in the ear)
Hot Key to insert the current date
Ctrl + ;
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
What is the letter "M"
How many total times were the members of management rejected from WestPeak?
when was the s&p 500 created
What is Joe Biden's middle name?
Function: Opens the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard for quickly creating PivotTables. This is a multi-step sequence for managing PivotTable data in older versions of Excel.
Alt + N, V
What is the singular of "spaghetti"
Which directors started posting WestPeak placements
Piero, Davis, Victor
Who said this quote "When you mix raisins and turds, you’ve still got turds." [Comparing the benefits that the Internet and technology are providing to society versus the evils of stock speculation in these sectors.]
Charlie Monger
How many time zones are there in Russia?
Function: Recalculates all open workbooks. This shortcut forces a complete recalculation of every formula across all worksheets, even if they haven't been modified.
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F9
There is a rickety bridge that an MD, VP, Associate and Analyst must cross to get to a meeting. If you need a flashlight to cross and only two can cross, the times to cross are 10 mins, 5 mins, 2 mins, and 1 min respectively, can the group make it across in 17 mins?
Analyst + Associate Cross --> 2 mins
Analyst Goes Back --> 3 mins
VP + MD Cross --> 13 mins
Associate Goes Back --> 15 mins
Analyst + Associate Cross --> 17 mins